letter 10

84 6 0

i wish you would sneak up behind me,
whisper in my ear,
and tell me all the things
i've been dying to hear



i've spent all this time

talking about how i can't stop thinking about you.

why don't i tell you what i dream about?

i dream of you telling me you've always liked me.

i dream our first date,

our first dance,

our first kiss.

i dream of the sweet romantic gestures you'd do

because you're the sweetest guy i know.

i dream of holding your hand,

of walking side by side together,

of laughing together.

i dream of movie nights

and of little arguments

that end in laughter.

i dream all this

and so much more.

why can't it be real?

letters to a crushOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz