Save Regina

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Everyone had been waiting in the waiting room for over three hours and the sun was setting when I started to doze off on Killian's shoulder, the crumbs of the cafeteria's grilled cheese falling on his leather jacket.

"Mom?" I abruptly sat up and saw Henry standing in front of me with his girlfriend who was looking quite exhausted as well. "Vi, you can go home, it's getting late and you worked all day, I'll call you in the morning and catch up with you then." My son said hugging his girlfriend before Trina ushered her out.

I sighed and figured I should probably tell him about the baby in order to avoid another debacle similar to Regina's.

"Hey kid, sit down, I have something to talk to you about, actually both Killian and I do." I said waking Hook up by slapping his chest with the back of my hand.

"Wha! I'm up!" He muttered, quickly sitting up. "Mom what's going on? Is something wrong with you too?" He asked nearly in tears, I tilted my head and took his hand, firmly holding it and shaking my head.

"No! I'm fine, actually, we just wanted to let you know that, we're going to have a baby." I said holding my breath, I saw his eyes widen and then inhale sharply.

"Are you okay with that? I know it's a lot to swallow." I said cautiously, his expression softened and he eventually exhaled.

"Congratulations mom, I'm happy for you, I really am." He said hugging me, I chuckled and hugged him back, smiling warmly at him. "Does anyone else know?" He asked excitedly, I smiled and took Killian's hand into mine. "Just you, your grandmother, and us." I said raising my eyebrow, he caught on and nodded, sitting back into the chair nervously.

"Henry, your mom is going to be okay, the doctor came out earlier and she said that they are going to take her into surgery-."

"SURGERY?!" He exclaimed, making the sleeping people jolt awake, I placed a finger over my lips and raised my eyebrows.

"Hey, let me finish." I said sternly before I continued.

"They are fixing her spleen and they are going to try and repair her tailbone while they are working." I said slowly, I saw the stress build in his face and his breathing start to turn shallow.

"Papa! Where's Regina!" Roland cried, sobbing as Will carried him into the hospital, apparently he wouldn't sleep without seeing for himself that Regina was okay. They had also admitted Lucia for observation for three nights due to her traumatic birth and some tests that they wanted to run in the NICU.

"Roland, Regina is... sick right now, but we need to be quiet." Robin tried to explain, quite stressed as well, and his frantic son was not making it easier for him. I got up and walked over to them and scooped Roland into my arms and started bouncing my weight back and forth to try and calm him down.

"Hey buddy, Regina is just feeling bad right now, she's going to be okay. Here, how about we go for a walk?" I said motioning to everyone in the room, making the worry in Robin's face lessen.

"Okay buddy, let's take a deep breath." I said walking down the hall with his small body growing tired as I walked down the fluorescent hallway. "Is she going to die?" He whimpered as he tried to fight his sleep off, I gently rubbed his back and continued walking, looping around to the front of the hall where everyone was at.

"No, she won't." I said before returning to the waiting room as he fell asleep.

"Regina Mills?" The doctor asked as she walked out of the double doors, nearly three quarters of the room stood and she raised her eyebrows. "Wow, okay. Uh, immediate family?" She asked again, a majority of the room sat down but Robin and I remained standing while Killian took a sleeping Roland into his arms from me, sitting down next to my father.

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