Chapter 1

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There's a thud, and suddenly I'm awake. It takes me a few minutes to clear the sleep from my brain to find my brother, and the recently opened door.
"Get up." Connors words are tired. "You're going to make us all late for school."

"But-" I started to object, but am cut off when he roughly grabs hold of my arm. "It's my birthday today, can't I have a little bit of special treatment?" My voice lacks conviction.

"Happy birthday." He tells me, sarcasm dripping from his voice. After a few seconds his face goes soft and he loosens his grip on my arm. "Now come on."

I usually get stuck on kitchen duty so it's not as though I'm not used to it.

It's usually meant to be punishment of sorts  but it kind of gets shoved upon me. We have wolves that do this as their jobs, of course. But even they need help, so why not get up a bit earlier and arrive at school a bit later?

It could be much worse. Stories of wolves being turned into slaves because of simple mistakes, and misunderstandings are popular topics of discussion currently. It's so common that the Alphas of the larger, kinder packs are discussing putting together a special police force to protect packs from it.
The werewolf community is an unforgiving one, I know this from personal experience.

Having read multiple stories of human romance, I see how simple and risky werewolf life is, as well. As a human, you have as many chances as you'd like to fall in love. You don't even have to fall in love to be happy.
As a werewolf, your soul is tied to another from the day you're born. One person, one shot, one love. It's the big '16' that marks the finding of your mate.

It just so happens today is my 16th birthday.

Fifteen minutes to get to school.
Zero effort goes into my white V-neck and jeans as I rush to get there on time.

Last year, things had been a lot worse than they are. I got a lot of attention then. The negative kind. Now, they kind of ignore me, act like I'm not there.

The hallway isn't quite empty, so here's to hoping I'm not late.

I'm just about to shut the locker and bolt to homeroom, when a force slams into my side, engulfing me in a hug.

Kylie, of course.

"Happy Birthday!" She thrusts a small bag, with way too much tissue paper in it, straight into my face. I can't help but laugh at her enthusiasm. A storm of blue tissue paper rains down around me as I try to locate whatever's inside the bag, that's assuming that she actually put something there.
Sure enough, a box sits at the very bottom. Upon closer examination, it contains a locket. A golden one with gorgeous engravings on the front side of it. A picture of us, that must have been taken almost five years ago, sits in one side of it.

"Didn't I say no presents?"

"Shut up and be thankful." She rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks." We both laugh and I hug her. "No, really."

Kylie and I have known each other since diapers. She's always been there and has always been a friend.

I'm pretty sure there isn't a club or team in school that she isn't in or on. I'm also pretty sure there's some sort of drug she's discovered to get her up every morning.

I'm was minutes late to homeroom, bombed my math test and almost murdered someone with my pencil in English.

But after all that, there was lunch.

Kylie and I find each other in the lunch line and make our way to our table.

Nick, Becka, Ben, Maxie and Andrew.
Nick and Becka had been friends before they'd even realized they were mates. Ben, however, had been sort of added to our group when he found Maxie.

Andrews already turned sixteen but he hasn't found his mate. Kylie doesn't turn sixteen for another four months or so.

We launch into a deep conversation about some children's television show that had some creepy looking characters. We've barely started to discuss  non-animated kids shows, when a figure bumps into my back. Hard.

The fact that this person rammed into me is not the cause for my shock, however.
It's  the sparks that are furiously tingling throughout my body.

The word throbs in my mind, quickening my heartbeat.

This is it. My happily ever after is finally going to start.

Turning, I am met with a bewildering sight.

Next in line for Alpha.
My brothers best friend.
The person looking at me with the same expression I'm looking at him with.

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