We finally sat at our table as my feet sighed in relief, and I ate a little bit of the food put in front of me. I talked to people, laughed with them, showed my gorgeous rings and tried to take everything in and not be overwhelmed.

After the dessert was served Kendrew leaned over and asked me, "Are you ready to change?" I nodded my head and stood up. Kendrew took my hand and we made our way up to our room and I let out a huge sigh of relief. Taking off my heels I went to sit down and started to rub my feet.

Looking up at Kendrew as he undid his tie and I said, "Whew, that went of pretty well, I mean no one fell-and by 'anyone' I mean me- and there were no disasters. The ceremony was beautiful, the food just wonderful! Everything was perfect." I sighed, then sat back, closed my eyes and rested my head for a few minutes.

I then felt Kendrew come over and felt him lift my dress up which was a little puzzling so I opened my eyes to see what the heck he was doing? Kendrew's eyes were flashing between black and amber now which I wasn't expecting, he was turned on more than I've ever seen him before and I watched him lower himself on the floor. Smirking at me, I watched as his head disappeared under my dress and I felt his lips kiss my inner thighs as he pushed my legs wider apart.

My breath hitched as I felt him nuzzling and smelling my wet folds through my thong, I was getting hotter and wetter by the second. I shook my head to try to clear it as I felt Kendrew's soft, hot mouth and fingers push my underwear aside and start licking me all over between my legs. I moaned long and loud as Kendrew pushed his tongue inside me and I bucked up, and Kendrew reacted by reaching up to hold my stomach down under my dress.

I heard a "Yes Mrs. Highland?" from under my skirts and I smiled, I didn't know what to do here. But I wanted to gobble him up too. I then felt his fingers enter me as he started rubbing my clit with his lips and I squealed slightly and tried to sit up but Kendrew held me down tightly. I then saw stars as Kendrew brought me swiftly to the most amazing climax with his mouth and fingers, Kendrew gave me an amazing orgasm in my wedding dress, maybe it was on his bucket list or something but I wasn't complaining.

"God Kendrew!" I shouted loud not caring that we had a whole mansion full of people and I felt Kendrew start to make his way out from inside or underneath my gown. His eyes were amber as he surfaced from the yards of bunched up pink material and took my breath away. I sat up and reached out to touch his beautiful face, I just couldn't believe how lucky I was.

Kendrew smiled, wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand and pulled me up, turning me around gently as he unclasped the hook at the back of my gown and slowly lowered my zipper. I started crying and when he turned me back around to face him he stopped moving surprised at my tears.

I was simply overwhelmed. I thought the ceremony would be stupid, but instead it was beautiful.

"Aislin, what is it love?" he wiped my tears off with his thumbs. I tried to smile but it came across as a grimace so I just let out a few breaths, I couldn't quite breathe and looked over his shoulder trying to get hold of myself. I felt Kendrew draw me close and just hold me until I was done. I think the last few months had taken a toll, all the planning and the expectations and the importance placed on everything. And in the end it was always about me and my mate. Just Kendrew and I and our love for each other that burned so very bright, we'd come so far. I had come so far from being an annoying thorn in the Monarchy's side. I'd healed and me and my wolf changed to be the type of Queen needed for our people- well I hoped so anyway. I stood with my King, I married my King and it was just so overwhelming.

I eventually quieted and pulled back, and Kendrew gave me a kerchief so I could wipe my eyes.

"No more tears love, let's go dance and join our families for the celebration." Kendrew pulled back to check to make sure I was alright and I just let my gown fall down off my shoulders, and it stopped mid-drop on my breasts. He reached forward to push it the rest of the way down breathing deeply.

Annoying the Alpha KingWhere stories live. Discover now