Chapter Twelve: Promposal

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Third Person's Point of View
Two Weeks Later

Elsa has climbed up the popularity ladder tremendously, even passing up Rapunzel. Elsa has gained the title of "The Most Popular Girl in School".

However, this title did not change Elsa any. She was the sweet and loving girl she was when she came to Burgess.

Prom was coming and guys were practically throwing themselves at Elsa; however, Elsa had a special guy in mind.

In fact, she even lived with this guy.

For the time she's been living in Burgess, Elsa had developed feelings for Jack but she never knew it Jack felt the same way.

They both went about their normal school days: classes, occasionally seeming one another in the hallways, and then driving home together.

But today was different...

Elsa was walking to her first class, which was World History when something stopped her.

More like a someone.

"Patrick, how lovely to see you again." Elsa said sarcastically.

"I have a question for you, Elsa." He started. "Will you be my date to prom?"

"How sweet but—"

"Before you answer, just keep in mind that I know your secret."

Secret? My ice powers or that I'm a princess? Elsa thought.

"Secret? What secret?" Pitch could sense the fear in her voice.

"You know what I'm talking out." Pitch said. "Now, if you don't say yes then let's just say that people may either start loving you more or starting to fear you."

"You'll tell my secret if I say no?" Pitch nodded his head with an evil smirk on his face. "Then I guess I have no choice..."

"Yes! I finally got you Elsa Winters!" Pitch started to run to his class but turned back around toward Elsa. "And if you tell anyone that I blackmailed you into this, then your secret will be plastered all over these walls."

Elsa nodded and faced her head downwards as she walked to class.

"So I heard you got a date to prom, Elsa." asked Manny at the dinner table. "Who's the special boy?"

"Um—" Elsa placed her fork down as she found the words to tell Manny and Jack who her date was. The issue wasn't telling Manny, it was telling Jack. "Patrick Black."

Jack slammed his hands down on the table and his face turned bright red in rage.

"Why in hell's name would you say yes to Pitch?" He shouted.

"Jackson Overland Frost! Watch your mouth!" shouted Manny.

"I don't give a shit, dad! She said yes to Pitch Black!"

Elsa's head faced downward and she sighed.

"Did you even give her a chance to explain?" Manny said and Jack calmed down, he sat down and have Elsa a chance to explain herself.

"I can't really explain it, you wouldn't understand."

"We can understand if you just tell us, we're your fam— second family, you can tell us anything." Manny said.

"I— I didn't think anyone else would ask me, so I said yes to my first offer." Elsa lied.

"That's the worst excuse I've ever heard." Jack stormed off to this room and slammed the door shut while Elsa did the same.

They can't know, they won't know. Elsa thought as tears streamed down her face.

Princess Protection Program: Book Four of Jelsa Fairytale SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now