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Special thanks to @tobbias for the beautiful banner!!

A/N: I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to update! It's totally inexcusable. I've just had the busiest two weeks ever. But anyway, I really hope you like this chapter, and if you do, please vote/comment/share! And I promise to try to update sooner next time. Thank you!! (:


"I'm sorry, Ronnie." Lily spoke quietly as she and Ronnie got inside the black car that was waiting for them in front of the house. Lily knew it wasn't directly her fault that Ronnie had gotten beaten, as she had not invited Ronnie inside the house, but she couldn't help but to somewhat responsible. There was something about seeing someone so tough and seemingly untouchable with bruises on their face. It made her stomach clench.

Ronnie said nothing, just looked straight ahead as the car moved forward. "Ronnie?" There was still no answer and Lily began to worry for her. What if she was seriously hurt, or needed medical attention?

"Do you need anythi-"

"Did you punch me?!" Annoyed, Ronnie whipped her head around and leered at Lily.

"N-no, but-"

"Did you ask me if I wanted to come inside that house?"


"Then shut the fuck up about it!" Samuel glared at Ronnie from the rearview mirror but Ronnie only glared back, daring the man to say something. He looked away. The rest of the ride was completely silent. Lily was looking out the window and Ronnie was scrolling through her phone, looking down at it with cold eyes.

When they finally pulled up in front of the grocery store, Ronnie got out only glancing up from her phone once to make sure that Lily was following her into the store. Once inside, Lily grabbed a cart and then turned to Ronnie who was still looking at her phone.

"I'm going to go find some vegetables," Lily said.

Ronnie looked up confused. "And I care, why?"

"I just thought you would want to know since-"

"I don't."

Lily sighed and walked away. She was glad that Alaricus had given her his credit card, instead of Ronnie. It was clear that Ronnie was not a big fan of her at this moment and she didn't want to have to ask her for anything when it was time to check out.

On her way to the produce aisle, she glanced behind her to see Ronnie still standing at the front of the store, scrolling through her phone absently. This time, Lily wasn't hurt by her callousness. She knew that Ronnie was upset, and she had every right to be. Lily wished that Alaricus would have assigned her a different guard, but she didn't know how to convey that without risking him hurting Ronnie again.

She had been picking out fresh fruits and vegetables for about ten minutes when she heard a loud thump hitting the metal of her cart. She turned away from the lettuce to see a giant bag of sugar in the center of the cart, and Ronnie standing to the side.

"That's so that you can make those cupcakes again," Ronnie explained bluntly.

Lily looked confused for a moment and then she let out a loud laugh to which Ronnie raised her eyebrow. "You know that you only need a cup or two of sugar every time you make a cake, right?"

"And?" Ronnie asked. Lily struggled to lift the enormous bag of sugar with another giggle, and then scanned the writing on the back.

"This is 50 pounds which is like 200 cups." Ronnie's face turned the slightest tint of red.

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