A New Beginning

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That night, Gold took Cora home with him to begin their new life together. He would have to explain many things to help her to integrate within the community.

Mary Margaret and David also went home, both relieved that the danger was finally over. Their small family was becoming larger and Mary Margaret was hopeful that the future looked brighter.

Emma chose to remain with Regina that night and many nights after. She spent so much time at the mansion that Henry told her to stop being a coward and just move in. Regina agreed and presented Emma with her own key.

Although it took several trips, Emma finally gave in and brought over the last of her belongings. Her constant fear of waking one morning to find she was no longer wanted faded as she was greeted each day with Regina's smile and a kiss good night as they went to bed.

As the months egged on, Emma proved herself and stuck to her promise. She tended to Regina's every need as the pregnancy progressed. There was no craving that was not satisfied no matter how late at night or early in the morning.

Mary Margaret too proved helpful soothing Regina's fears with each new kick or sudden pain. The young queen was pleased she could finally help her former stepmother get through hard times. She was even happier to join in the laughter as she and Regina both ridiculed David and Emma as they toiled with the task of putting together the crib. Mary Margaret was in tears when Regina whispered that she was quite capable of using magic but instead preferred to watch the Charming intellect at its finest.

Cora had surprised everyone the most. She had certainly kept her word and done her best to show Regina she had changed. She imparted encouraging words when needed or simply remained quiet to lend a sympathetic ear.

But no one was as surprised as Emma the day she had gone to ask the matriarch for Regina's hand in marriage. After several coaching lessons from David, Emma performed an adequate rendition of the Enchanted Forest custom. Cora, for her part, only put the Savior through a mild scare before accepting with a hug and smile.

That same day, Emma had rushed to her parents' apartment to share with them the good news. Then collapsed on the couch in sheer terror over how she would go about proposing to Regina. Her worries stemming from Regina's terrible experience with her last marriage and the prospect that she may not ever want to get married again. Mary Margaret held her daughter's hand, then kissed her cheek and simply told her to ask. In her heart, she knew Regina would accept because not only did she love Emma but also this time she was given a choice.

Therefore, on a clear Spring day, the Mills and Charmings were all gathered at the stables for an unplanned picnic. Regina had tried that morning to stay home feeling a bit uncomfortable with her weight gain but relented with Henry's pleads to come watch him ride. Never wanting to deny her son, she had agreed with a small smile.

Regina was confused when she noticed all the people who were present at the stables. She understood why his grandparents would want to see Henry ride, but why were Ruby, Belle, Tinkerbell and even the pirate was there as well. She suddenly forgot her concerns when Mary Margaret led her to a comfortable chair where she could rest her tired feet.

Henry came running over, kissed his mother on the cheek before telling her to keep a close eye on him as he came out onto the field. He did not want her to miss anything. She nodded her head proudly and promised she would. With a bright smile, Henry waved to everyone and ran back towards the stables.

"Where is Emma?" Regina asked looking around her.

"Oh, she's around here somewhere." Mary Margaret replied with a sly grin.

"Well I do hope she hurries or she will miss our son running his first course." Regina huffed.

"Oh dear, stop nagging. The poor girl will be here soon." Cora said as she sat in a seat on the other side of Regina. An umbrella held above her head.

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