The Reckoning Pt. II

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Henry held tight as the blade materialized, still in awe of its sheer beauty. The weapon seemed to come to life and he could feel its power radiate from his hands up along his arms.

He looked up to see the man trapped in place by his own shock. Quickly, he thought back to what Azael had told him.

Standing outside the diner, Henry watched as Azael walked towards him.

"Are you okay?" Henry asked.

"My apologies, Master Henry. However my services were required elsewhere." Azael explained for having left their breakfast so abruptly.

"No problem. I was just worried about you." Henry smiled.

Azael returned the smile before kneeling before the boy.

"Henry, I must ask you to do something very important. I wish for all the world that there was another way, yet I find myself with no other option." Azael began sadly.

"If I can help, just ask. I'm very brave you know."

"Yes you are."

Henry grinned proudly.

"As I mentioned, I am leaving. I hope in doing so I will rectify my dilemma. However, if the unforeseen should happen, I wish to be certain that you are safe." Azael continued.

Henry frowned as he listened, puzzled to what was going on.

"You must know that it is a dangerous task. I will understand if you refuse. But I am hoping you will help me save this town."

Henry thought for a moment. Naturally, he was frightened at the prospect of jumping into unknown danger. Neverland had proven to him that making quick decisions had harsh consequences. Nevertheless, he knew he could not live with himself if he did not help. Squaring his shoulders, he took a deep breath.

"What do you need me to do?"

Azael smiled as he watched the boy fight against his own fears for the greater good. He pulled from his jacket pocket the steel pommel. Gently taking Henry's hand in his, he placed it against his open palm.

"You remember this?" Azael asked.

Henry nodded, his eyes focused on the object.

"Then you remember that it is a special blade. What I did not tell you is that only two individuals can wield it. One is the Harvester and the other is a being pure of heart. You, Henry, are such a person."

"Am I really?" Henry swallowed.

"I have seen none other who carries the light of pureness in his heart as you do." Azael affirmed.

"What do I do with it?"

"Listen closely, I will explain everything."

Henry quickly grabbed the vial from his pants pocket and spread the powder contained inside creating a circle around him. Then lifting the sword high and with all his might plunged the sword into the ground.

Casbeal, regaining his composure, stared as the child drove the blade into the earth consequently leaving him unarmed. He laughed at the outright naive misstep. He slapped his own blade against his hand as he stepped closer to the boy.

"Rendering the sword useless defeats the purpose of drawing a weapon. You have left yourself defenseless. This is a lesson you will soon learn once you join our ranks, if you survive your training." Casbeal stated as he stepped nearer.

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