Chapter 16

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It's New Year's Eve and Louis can't sleep.

Harry brought him home three days ago to show Louis his present, the best and comfiest sheets ever: silk. Harry then kissed Louis goodbye and left to go visit his own family where he has been since.

Thankfully Harry kept in touch this time while the two boys are apart. He kept calling Louis every chance he got telling him that he missed him and he couldn't wait to hold Louis in his arms again.

The fireworks boom loudly drowning out Louis' sighs as he sits up in bed. The small boy throws his legs over the side of the bed and reaches for his phone lying on the bed stand.

"Call Harry." He says and presses the cold surface against his face and ear. He hopes he'll pick up even though it's late but then again its New Year's.

"Louis!" Harry's voice is different as he speaks his words are slurred together and it's hard to understand him with all the background noise but Louis' ears are perfect so he manages. "I've been thinking about you, babe. I miss you."

"I miss you to Harry." Louis smiles into the phone. "When will I see you again?"

"Soon, very soon." Harry giggles out. "I'm at your door." The line goes dead and then a knock occurs at Louis' door. Frowning he stands up off the bed and slowly makes his way to the front door. "Ohh Lou." Harry coos from the other side of the door. Louis is really confused and worried so he quickly unlocks the door, flinging it opened when he's done.

"Harry?" He questions before a heavy weight is on his, strong arms wrap around his neck. Harry puts all his weight on Louis making his stumble backward.

"Babe I missed you." Harry pulls away and gives Louis a sloppy kiss. Louis licks his lips and cringes at the taste, what has Harry been drinking. The door slams shuts and Louis listens as Harry stumbles forward, again grabbing onto Louis for help. "Sorry babe." Harry giggles and his breath makes Louis' nose wrinkle.

"You're breath smells." Louis smiles as Harry lets go of Louis.

"Alcohol does that to you." Harry says before he walks away from Louis and toward the kitchen. Louis frowns at him as he follows.

"Are you drunk?" Louis asks when he enters the kitchen, standing a step into the doorway.

"Duh!" Harry walks closer to Louis and places his hand on Louis' hips; he leans in to Louis' ear. "And horny." Harry licks a stripe from Louis' collarbone to his ear. He nibbles right below Louis' jawline before sucking violently on it.

Louis does not like this one bit. He's scared and worried that something horrible is about to happen just like those three men in the alley way that Harry had to beat up and if something bad happens now Harry won't beat up himself.

"Harry." Louis places his hands to Harry's chest and pushes back.

"What?" Harry snaps at him. Louis shrinks into himself as Harry grips Louis' hair tightly and yanks his head to the side causing Louis cries out in pain. He attaches his lips to Louis' neck and it's not like how it usually is no it's uncomfortable. "M' gonna fuck you so hard." Harry mumbles against his neck as his hands travel from Louis' hips to his ass. He squeezes his cheeks and Louis snaps.

He puts his hands on Harry's chest and uses all of his strength to push his back. Louis knows that if that took him everything then if Harry was sober then it would be impossible to get him off but also this wouldn't happen if Harry was sober. That's what he needs, to bring back his Harry, sober Harry.

Louis listens as Harry stumbles back into the counter, his big hands echoing through the kitchen when they hit the marble. Louis breaths heavy as emotions run through him, scared, confused, angry, and sad.

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