High School 2

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"Umm...." Steve paused. He want to say yes but... he just can't bring himself to do actually say it. Because what if it were all some sick joke that Bucky was playing. What if Steve was just apart of a bet they Bucky agreed to.

"I-I can't," Steve finally blurted out. He sat there watching Bucky's face as it went form eager to sad in less than two seconds.

"Oh," was all Bucky said before turning his head to listen to the rest of the lesson. He ignored Steve for the rest of the class.

Steve had just gotten out of his last class for the day and before he was even half way out the door he was being dragged down the hallway. Steve was in to munch of a panic to see who had grabbed him but they look familiar. The person pulled Steve into an empty class room the shut and locked the door. They pined Steve against the wall, only ten did Steve see who it was.


"Why did you say no?" Bucky hissed out.  


"Why did you say no when I asked if you wanted to go out with me?"

"B-because," Steve gulped, "I thought that it was just a joke or a p-prank that you were trying to play on me."

Bucky's brows furrowed, "Why would you think that?"

"You're one of the most popular kids at school, that's why."

 "What does my popularity have to do with this?"

"You could have any girl in this hole school, yet you chose to ask me out," Steve paused, "Can you see wh-"

Bucky pushed his lips to Steve's. Steve's hole body went ridged as he stood there dumbfounded. Bucky pulled back before Steve could react.

"Does that reassure you that, I only want to be with you? " Bucky asked.

Steve nodded

"So, will you go out on a date with me?"

Steve didn't say anything, instead he just hugged Bucky and burrowed his head into the crock of Bucky's neck.

"Is that a yes?" Bucky asked smiling as he slid his arms around Steve's small frame.


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