Once Upon A Time AU

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(So if you haven't seen the show Once Upon A Time I suggest you watch at least season 1 or look up OUAT Jefferson on YouTube. In the show Sebastian Stan plays Jefferson or the mad hatter.{as you see in the picture} in the episode Hat Trick he goes missing for a little while. So in this chapter I'm going to write what I think\hope happened in the time that we didn't see him. I'm also going to make Steve a fairy tail character.)

"Come on Bucky, wake up you'll miss it!"
all he did was role over in response. His friend grabbed his arm and pulled as he could, which wasn't all that being that he was so skinny and frail.

"Get. up." he said with strain as he continued pulling on Bucky's arm.

"No it's to early."

"it's almost noon."

"Yeah and it's to early." He felt the bed shift as more weight was added to it. He opened on eye and was met with big blue ones. they stared at each other for a couple moments longer.

"You won't give up on this will ya Stevie?" Steve shook his head violently.

"Fine let's go." Bucky said as he climbed out his bed. Steve half ran half skipped outside to show bucky what he had found.

"Come on its over here." Steve whispered as they crept further in to To the woods.

"There." Steve pointed. Sitting in the middle of the forest was a hat.

"You wanted to show me a hat Steve. Really."

"Not just any hat, the Mad Hatters hat."

"But that hat is just a legend."

"I guess it isn't. I dare you to try and make it work."

"What no."

"What are you scared."

"No, it's just stupid."

"If its so stupid then go try."

"Fine." He walked over to the hat and picked it up. He pulled it to his chest then flicked it out so that it would start spinning. He knew the risk of trying it. He knew that if it worked and a portal opened up he would get the title of Tue hatter but he never thought it would work. He thought the hat would spin for a bit and then stop. But it didn't it kept spinning and spinning.

"The portal's opening!"

"I know!"

(Present time.)

I jolted up from my sleep. Why? Why did I have to remember this. Why did I have to remember him. He was the only person that didn't get dragged here with the rest of us. He was the reason that I got off my ass when Grace's mom died. He's the only person I've ever truly love and we had dated for a short while but had to break it off because his parents had said he was to marry the princess of the neighboring kingdom to stop a war. We still saw each other often but seeing him with another person in that sort of relationship was slowly working its way into my brain and weighing me down. So one day I before I was supposed to go into work at the shit job I had Grace and I moved to the next kingdom over. We lived there in peace until the Evil Queen came and asked for my help just to leave me in wonderland for 20 something years before I was dragged here. The sound of a twig snapping made me quickly move to a fighting stance as I looked around to try and locate the source of the sound. The longer I look the more uparent it was that no one was there. Or rather no one that was going to be of importance to me. I slowly made my way towards the sound careful of where I stepped as to not alert it and make it run off or attack. As I neared it I noticed that it was in fact a human. It lookedbto be a male, and a strong one at that. He was laying face down in the dirt. I went to see if he was alive and to help him up if needed. I turned him on to his back and looked up at his face. No, no no no no. This isn't possible. He shouldn't be here. He stured slightly before groaning and opening his eyes.

"Bucky?" He said looking at me tiredly.

"Steve?! How did you get here I thought you were out of reach of the curse."

"I-I don't know," He paused.

"Where is here?"

"StoryBrooke." Steve sat up before questioning further.

"This is where you've been?"

"Yeah for the most part." He suddenly pulled me down into a hug.

"I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too." I berried my head into his chest. We stayed like this for a few moments longer.

"Come on, we need to get you cleaned up." I said standing up and extending my hand for him to take.

"Where at?"

"My home."


"Where's Grace?" Steve asked as I cleaned the dirt off of his face.

"She is with another family."

"What do you mean."

"When the curse hit Regina made sure that Grace didn't remember me and that she was placed with other people. I still watch her though, just to be sure that she isn't hurt."

"Oh. Sorry."

"It's okay, hows you're wife?"

"We divorced." My hand stopped moving as I stared wide eyed at him.

"What! Why?"

"I didn't love her." I had gone back to cleaning off the mud. I gulped before asking another question.

"Who do you love?" He grabbed my hand and pulled it away from his face.

"You." I looked down towards the floor. he grabbed my chin and lifted my head so that I was looking into his eyes. He slowly leaned in and kissed me. It wasn't fast but it wasn't slow, it was passionate. When we pulled apart I placed my forehead against his.

"I love you too."

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