Emma sat silent as she waited for Hook to continue.

"But, there is one true way to know for sure if you love someone. And that is, if you can answer one simple question without hesitation or doubt." Hook grasped Emma's hand in his, squeezing it tightly.

"What question?"

"Is she worth dying for?"

Emma turned her face away, closing her eyes, as memories flooded her mind.

Rushing through an angry mob..."Get your hands off her!"

Standing outside a jail cell..."She is not dying."

Running forward, pushing the second the wraith swoops down then falling into a portal...

Standing in an abandoned mine, the glow of the device the only light..."You might not be strong enough, but maybe we are."...

Running out of a forest, sword held high... "Where is she?"

"Swan...Swan...Emma, are you alright?" Hook shook Emma's shoulder. She had suddenly stopped talking, her face blank.

Emma blinked her eyes at the sound of Hook's yells. Then her hand flew to her mouth as a sobbed retched from her body. She fell forward clutching to Hook. Hook although surprised, took Emma into his arms and embraced her. He ran a soothing hand on her back and held her as the young woman cried. After a few moments, Emma calmed enough to pull away. She wiped at her face trying to clear away the tears. Hook reached into his jacket, pulling out a handkerchief and handed it to Emma.

"I take it you have had a rude awakening." Hook said as he gently patted her hand.

"How could I have been so blind?" Emma choked out as she wiped her face.

"We rarely see what is right in front of us. But I feel it is never too late to act on one's feelings."

Emma shook her head.

"I assume she doesn't know."

Emma stared at Hook, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Not all of us are blind, love. Well, you would have to be to not see the connection you both have."

"We share a son Hook. Why wouldn't we be connected? That doesn't mean Regina feels the same way." Emma scoffed.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that Swan. I have known Her Majesty for a lot longer than you have and I dare say you mean a lot more to her then you think. I for one have never seen her treat anyone with half the care she does you, aside from the boy."

"Even if you're right, how do you think that would look to everyone with the Evil Queen and the Savior together?"

"Well aside from the fact that I don't give a damn what anyone thinks, I can only say it looks like one thing." Hook replied as he stood from the bench and began to walk back from where he came.

"Yeah, what's that?!" Emma shouted at Hook's retreating form.

Hook stopped and turned his head with a large grin spread across his lips.

"Nothing less but... True love." Hook replied as he bowed at the waist, then turned and walked away.

Regina lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling, her mind racing with all the information she had learned from Azael this evening. Although she had successfully gained background regarding Lilith, her thoughts were far more occupied by what she had learned about herself. How had she not realized her feelings towards the Savior? Years had passed and animosity had turned to civility, which surprisingly led to friendship. However, when had that changed? When had it become more?

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