Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

"Good morning, Jessie, dear. Did you sleep tight?" her whole demeanor changed when she spoke at me. Instead of menacing, a mischievous glint played in her eyes.

Oh no. She knew. I didn't know which was worse. Nagging Seth or teasing me. Neither of the options were pleasant.

"Hi?" I glanced at her while rubbing my neck.

She studied me for a moment. "You look pretty."

My cheeks felt warm before I turned away, walking to the nearest cabinet to get the cereal out. "Thanks," I mumbled embarrassed. I took a bowl and the milk out before grabbing a spoon.

"What happened here?" Seth asked in an almost suspicious tone of voice. I looked up in time to see him cross his arms, assuming the male-alpha posture.

Shrugging, I avoided his inquiring stare while placing a spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

"Not much. Bryan came over for dinner, he made pasta and then he kissed Jess before he left." Juno said nonchalantly as she took out the orange juice from the fridge.

Seth's eyes almost popped out of his sockets. "He kissed you?" I kept chewing my cereal. I figured Juno would pull up a stunt as this. She was incorrigible. "Do you mean like a movie-theme kiss?" he sounded grossed out. I coughed slightly as my blush intensified. Raising a palm, Seth shook his head. "I don't think I want to know..."

Juno chuckled. "Kisses don't have to involve tongue all the time, Seth." I totally choked at that while Seth stood up groaning.

After swallowing hard, I cleared my throat. "Can we talk about something else?"

"Yes please!" Seth said at the same time Juno looked at me. "There's nothing to be ashamed. I thought it was a really sweet kiss, Jess."

Oh my God. Please, Earth, swallow me.

Groaning, I ignored them completely as I finished my cereal. Juno was smirking as I placed the empty plate in the sink and Seth left as soon as he was able.

Sighing, I took the stairs, two at a time, to brush my teeth before I left the house. As soon as my brother heard me, he stepped out of his room. "How are you feeling?" His eyes were concerned as he crossed his arms.

I shrugged. "I'm happy...and worried?" I bit my lip as I looked to the side. Talking to my brother about guys seemed awkward.

"Why? Bryan is lucky to have you pinning after him."

Frowning, I glanced at him. "Pinning is not—" Seth raised an eyebrow, "—whatever." I rolled my eyes. "I should get going." I patted him roughly on the chest, "You need to tell me about your date, mister!" My little brother blushed and I so wanted to pinch his cheeks. I tried to, but he swatted me away.

When I got to the school's building, I took a deep breath before I pushed open the front doors. My stomach was in full fluttering mode as I took the stairs toward the kitchen lab. I left my backpack and slowly walked towards the office hallway.

My heart clenched when I noticed that Bryan's door was locked and he wasn't anywhere in sight. Feeling down, I returned to my small office to finish setting everything for next weekend.

Half an hour later, Tom peeked inside my office. "Good morning, Jess!" He might not be my favorite chef now, but that British accent of his, was still my favorite.

I smiled at him. "Hi Tom!"

He stepped in. "Bryan's out for the day, so I'm going to change the schedule." He placed a list on my desk. "Could you please get this ready for me?"

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