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"is everyone ready?"

"we are!"

"okay li, go fetch lou."

"why me? why don't you just-"

"because, he thinks that i'll be working tonight and you are his best bud!."

"oh- okay i best be going."

~*~ louis yay ~*~

"fuck those who'll not go to my party. fuck this store. fuck harry's boss for making him work. ugh could this day get any better?"



"let's go now."

"i still got wor-"

"hush, i already talked to them."

"but har-"

"yeah we'll go to him later. just follow me yeah?"

"he'll be working his ass off for another 6 hours and i'll be hanging out with you lads? that's a bit unfair."

"what lads? it'll just be you, me, and stan right?"

"but my bab-"

"shut up louis you're going with me whether you like it or not."

"ugh fine! but we'll go to harry later?"

"we will."

Sock Boy (lwt x hes) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now