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"i uh wow i mean you a you look good harry."

"you don't look bad yourself."

"okay, let me set some rules. number one: he must be home by 11: 30. number two: you must not reach 2nd base, 1st base is enough. number 3-"


"hey don't interrupt me. now where was i? ah, number 3: if you're planning to murder harry, keep his body. don't give his remains to me or something."

"niall, you're embarrassing me."

"number 4: follow the speed limit, you don't want to have a ticket on your first date-"




"no. no. no. i actually find this funny. please continue, harry's dad."

"louis! you too?"

"you're a charmer, louis, i like you."

"thank you. you ready to go harry?"


"use protection!"

"bye niall."

Sock Boy (lwt x hes) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now