Chapter 16 : Burns

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Hi everyone! :D

Here's a chapter with both Miraxus and Gale moments + action! No wonder that's the biggest chapter yet!

Hope you'll enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote! 

Lily xx

- Hey! Metal head! Yelled the incredibly annoying Natsu Dragneel across the cafeteria.

Gajeel emitted an annoyed growl, knowing very well what this kid wanted. Okay... Technically, he barely was a year younger than him, but kid just suited him perfectly. The young man often wondered how in hell the blond cheerleader that Natsu called his girlfriend was able to endure him or simply consider him as a man. Apparently, she had a secret he didn't possesses.

- Metal head! Repeated Natsu, closer this time.

- Leave me alone for once, he sighed. Don't you have anything else to do?

- Not really! He answered as if the question was sincere. Come on! Don't act like a little girl and come fight me!

- Who are you calling a little girl! Exclaimed Gajeel, not being able to ignore his stupid co-worker's taunt.

- You!

It didn't take more to the young men to, again, start fighting in the cafeteria. If such actions would be completely outrageous elsewhere, in Fairy Tail, a calm and peaceful cafeteria would've been worrying. Happily for the business, the hostel was equipped with a cafeteria for employees only and, at least most of the time, the costumers weren't witnessing the misbehaving staff.

They finally stopped, much to Natsu's displeasure.

- Hey! What the hell? You're giving up?

- Dream on, flame brains! He growled, taking his attention back on his plate.

Natsu raised an eyebrow in a questioning look, scanned the room then opened his eyes wide, as if he just understood one of life's biggest secret.

- Now I understand!

- And what could your sorry brain could possibly understand?

- Levy just arrived!

- So what? How could you associate the shrimp with me getting fed up with you?

- Luce also hates when I'm fighting.

- And?

- Well Levy's your girlfriend!

- Where are you getting stupid ideas like that! Retort Gajeel.

- It's pretty obvious. Isn't it? Asked Natsu, this time confused.

He had thought he was understanding everything for once...

- Everything you do with Levy, I do it too with Lucy and she is my girlfriend, he thought out loud.

- Don't know what you're talking about, growled Gajeel, now staring at his plate for an odd reason.

- Hummm... he thought. All the time Luce and I are looking at each other even though we're not physically close. The times Lucy acts like she's mad at me but she still stays next to me to talk. Ah and when I look at a group of persons and the only one I manage to see is her and how she's cute. At first, I thought it was normal but Mira told me that was love!

- Well that's a cute story, Casanova, he said with sarcasm, but how is it related to the shrimp?

- Well you're exactly like that with Levy! Everyone knows that!

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