Chapter 9 : Questions

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There you go guys! The Gale chapter I promised you! Hope you'll like it! :)

Levy was sitting next to Gajeel in the small plane flying to Hargeon. The trip in its all exceeding the duration of a normal work day, Makarov offered them to pay for their plane ticket on their way to the car, driving on the way back, to minimise the travelling time. However, the plane taking off only that evening, they'll still bust their hours. Their boss offered them to pay extra hours but Levy assured him that compensating for the travel expenses was enough, much to Gajeel's displeasure. He knew that both of them already owed so much to the old man but he couldn't help himself from expressing his annoyance. Why did he accept that task already? Ah yeah, to prevent dumb and dumber to go with her. However, he was still wondering why the idea of them accompanying Levy was bothering him, making him let out a growl.

- Are you okay? Asked the young women who didn't say a word since the beginning of the trip.

- Fine.

- You don't seem like it, she told unsure.

- If I told you I'm fine it's because I am! He barked.

- Okay! Okay! Jeez! I was only asking, she said a little dreamy.

"Pfffff", he thought, "she asks me if I'm fine and then puts that face on". She seemed to be concerned about something. "Not like I was interested in what she's thinking about" he thought. His mouth decided otherwise.

- What are you thinking about? He surprised himself.

No answer. The shrimp was staring at the seat in front of her and the idiom "lost in her thoughts" never made that much sense.

- Shrimp! I'm talking to you!

- Hen? She said getting out of her trance while he was clapping his fingers in front of her face.

- What are you thinking about? He repeated, now yelling to her.

If he seemed attentive and interested the first time he asked, now, it almost looked like he was threatening her.

- You don't have to yell! She shouted nearly as loud as him.

- Tssss, was his only answer while he leaned on his seat, crossing his arms in from of him.

- You're sulking now?

No answer. The tension feel at once while Levy burst to laugh, holding her stomach whit both hands.

- What the hell are you laughing about? He growled.

- The big bad Gajeel his sulking, hahahahaha!

- That not funny.... And I'm not even sulking. You getting on my nerves that's all.

To tell the truth, her laugh was rather contagious and she didn't get on his nerves that much... just a little.

- So? You'll tell me what you were thinking about or not? He said after a moment, his sulking frown still on.

Levy's expression went back to a serious one. What could she possibly have on her mind?

- I was thinking about the reasons Mira and Laxus would let a car there.

- The old man explained that, she was injured.

- Too many things just don't add up. Starting with the reasons that brought them that far away. Fairy Tail never makes business with Hargeon. Also, why would they take two vehicles to go there if they were working together?

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