Chapter 15 : Impulse

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Hey guys! Sorry for the delay again! I have stated my final stage (important stuff) and my free time is quite limited. So I'll probably extend my updates to once a week.

Here's the Miraxus chapter I've promised you! Hope you'll like it :) And don't forget to vote and comment!

Fingers clicked in front of Levy's eyes to take her back to reality. It took her a small moment to completely get back on earth. It was lunch time and she was with Lucy, she reminded herself.

- Are you even listening? Asked her best friend while she was taking back her attention on her.

- Sorry Lu, answered the young woman, red tinting her cheeks.

She was, how could she put it... distracted today. Thinking back about was happened the night before, Levy almost drifted away again.

- When do you plan to tell him? Sighed Lucy in an exasperated way, abandoning the idea of completing what she was telling her.

- What? Who? Exclaimed Levy, not able to prevent herself to give a quick glace towards Gajeel.

Sadly, she knew Lucy knew her way too much to be fooled this easily. The later was glaring at her, her right eyebrow lifted, indicating she wasn't buying it at all.

- I don't know, started Lucy again, faking to think about it, maybe tell how you really feel to a certain someone with witch you spent the night?

- What! Exclaimed Levy, a little too loud, while she was nervously playing with her fingers.

When the looks she gathered on her because of her scream were back to their respective occupation, Lucy leaned on Levy with a malicious smile to whisper.

- I wanted to give back this morning the book you lent me, but apparently you were busy, she giggled.

- It's not what you think! She said nervously, agitating her hands in front of her face to manifest her disagreement.

- Yeah right! You think I miss all the moments you're looking his way and all the blushing while he's around?

- You're making things up, she sulked, confirming her friend's assumptions with her cheeks getting redder.

Lucy thought a little more and added.

- You must be right. Anyway, he's only a thief without a future and with no heart...

- Stop it Lu! You don't know him enough yet. He's way more sensitive that you give him credit for. He helps me all the time and, on top of it, his cooking is to die for!

Then she stopped to Lucy's satisfied look. "Shit", she thought. "I've reacted exactly the way she had planned it".

- It's... not that way, she finally said. And even if, and I'm not saying that's the case, but even if I had a thing for him, it's obvious I'm not his type.

- So brilliant and so naïve at once... Sighed Lucy.

- Said the girl who needed Mira to understand she loved her idiot boyfriend, laughed Levy.

The blond pulled out her tongue at the comment, then added.

- Gajeel practically follows you everywhere! I bet a coffee he'll look this way in the next minutes.

- You're saying nonsense, I'm telling you, Gajeel isn't interested in...

She had to stop in the middle of her sentence, interrupted by a pair of crimson eyes on her. She lowered her head, her cheeks redder than ever. Even if she still hadn't lifted her eyes, she could feel Lucy's satisfied look on her. Then, the young woman stood up, her eyes locked on her shoes, which seemed to suddenly have a huge importance.

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