1. Disaster Strikes

Bắt đầu từ đầu

                Mom had to call for help in the nearby states for any wizard who was a doctor. The first three that came two days ago checked on him and didn’t get any answers. The second trio yesterday became suspicious of his ailment but still no answers. The third now were frowning and shaking their head.

                We were getting desperate.

                “Mrs. Rhowen, I’m sorry but your husband has slipped into some sort of coma. I have a feeling he isn’t ever going to wake up,” the doctor from Wyoming said grimly. My mom’s face paled. “There isn’t a spell we haven’t performed that hasn’t woken him up. If he doesn’t wake by next Friday, he’s going to die.”

                My mom burst into tears, ignoring the “I’m sorry” statements headed her way. I rubbed her arms and tried to calm her down. I was doing as much progress as I would be when I was trying to find the cure to my father. I ran a hand through my brown hair as I thought hard for an answer.

                Just then, we heard a commotion from down below. The guards were shouting at something. Everyone in the room turned towards the door when the shouting became even louder. My mom looked up from her hands and furrowed her brows at the door, obviously thinking what the shouting was all about.

                Our manor was heavily guarded because even though evil was prowling behind the boundaries to harm the innocent mortals, some find a way to get around it. And since dad was sick and mom and I were having a sort of difficult time with manning the protection, there have been quite as few loopholes.

               That’s why, for the past three days, we’ve up the security because if the whole Rhowen clan dies, the boundaries surrounding Northern Colorado will be no more.

                “I need to get up there and talk to Mrs. Rhowen and Chase! Get your hands off me! Oh, don’t go bippity-boppity boo on my ass, Monroe. Yeah, that’s right, I know your name! What do you mean attack? I’m just trying to help the family!"

                 It was a girl's voice that echoed up the stairs and into the room.

                 There was a muffled reply.

                 "Argh—get your hands off me! I am no threat!” We heard feet shuffling and some grunting until the doors opened and it revealed a dark-haired teenager with piercing blue eyes who looked to be around fifteen. She smiled at me before the guards jumped on her, restraining her. “Don’t you know how to handle a girl?!” She snapped at the wizard who was holding her arm. “I am not a wizard or witch. I’m not even one of those Isle inhabitants!”

                Her words sparked my interest. How did a mortal know about the Crystal Isles? “Johnson, it’s okay. You can let her go. I’ll take everything from here.”

                Johnson let go and bowed at me. Though we weren’t in the Crystal Isles, the guards around here still felt like they had the need to bow before me and my parents. The girl smirked at him, rubbing her arms. He glowered at her before telling the other guards that I can handle everything.

                “Thank you, Chase,” the girl smiled at me. She leaned around me and smiled at what I took to be my mom. “Hello, Mrs. Rhowen. You have a beautiful home. I’m sorry about your husband though.”

                “Thank you, dear. You're too kind,” My mom said, smiling at the girl. “How’s your family?”

                “They’re fine. They are all worried about you, Chase, and Mr. Rhowen.” She moved towards my mom, ignoring me completely. Time out, she was talking to my mom like they were lifelong friends…how the heck was that possible?

The Huntress (On Hold For A Few Months..Sorry)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ