"Would you like one?" He asked after he had taken a bite. She shook her head and continued on with her own food.

Alessio intently watched as she avoided his gaze while she ate. Had he done something wrong that offended her? He didn't understand why he was receiving the cold shoulder from her but he just shook it off. It could be the fact that this was the first time in a while that he had properly sat down with his wife and had breakfast with her. Had he really acted like such a bad husband that she had not learned to be comfortable around him after five years?

His thoughts wondered as he ate his food. Ines soon excused herself from the table when she had finished off eating and was about to exit when he called out for her. She turned around and wondered what he had to say. He was acting really chatty this morning and a part of her was enjoying his company.

She stared at his dark eyes that captivated her and waited to hear what he had to say.

"Come by my office at twelve. The Gostovos have invited us to lunch with them. Please be there on time."

"Of course," she answered him before she left the room. She walked up the stairs and left to the confidence of her bedroom.

Her bedroom was on the second floor a couple of doors away from Alessio's room. It was furnished to a princess's desires. A white four post bed was at the far end in the middle of two floor to ceiling windows. A vanity table was placed on the right wall and a small cushioned stool was positioned in front of it.

Ines walked to the vanity and opened the drawer that held her ballet leggings, and dresses. She grabbed a pair of black leggings and  a normal white v-neck tee from another. She went in search of her ballet slippers. Once she had dressed for her mornings routine of dancing she left for her dance room located in the west wing of the house.


Alessio took the phone that was on his desk and dialed for his secretary. He picked up on the first ring and greeted him with a good morning.

"I need you to put out a request that I am looking for a new PA and I will have the interviews held tomorrow in the morning."

"Sir isn't that two fast. We might not even get people to schedule a meeting on such short notice."

"Well find a way to do so. I need a private assistant as soon as possible and if I conduct the meeting tomorrow I can choose someone and they can start the following day after a background check."

Emilio Villo said a worried yes and soon heard the line on the other end go dead. A bit of sweat had started to form on his forehead due to the pressure he had been showered with. How in the world would he get qualified people to come interview for the job? Then he started to work on his task in hopes he would please his boss by tomorrow in the morning.


When twelve o'clock came around the corner, a knock sounded against Alessio's office door. The knock was very light that he had barely heard it before he said to come in. In walked Ines who wore a black pencil skirt and a gray button up blouse. She had put on a minimal amount of makeup but she still glowed. Her heels clacked as she made her way inside the office. Alessio looked up at her and stood up from his desk to go meet her.

"Let's go?" He asked before getting his car keys and iPhone. She followed him out of the office and they both made their way to the garage where they got into Alessio's silver Aston Martin convertible.

When they arrived the Gostavos were already sitting at a table at the end of the elegant restaurant. Alessio looped an arm around Ines's waist and they walked over to the table. They were greeted by the elderly couple whose smiles shined in the lighting. The young married couple also put on their own smiles but what was drastically different from theirs was that it was not natural. Their smiles were forced upon their lips and their eyes did not gleam with the extasy that the older couple had in theirs.

They all sat down and conversed on the topic that was needed to be talked about at hand.

William Gustavo was sick and had very little time left in his life. He also had no one to pass on his business and stocks too. His only son had died of cancer three years ago and that left the Gustovos in despair. It also left William to think of who he would have inherited his very big fortune. None of his nephews were fit to take up such a high position, and then he remembered his best friend's son. The young man that had been able to make his family company even greater and was one of the wealthiest men in the world at only the age of thirty-one.

Alessio was who he ended up going with because not only was he an excellent businessman, but he was already married, and he knew a young man that was already tied down would not think of women or partying. He was a very disciplined young man and that was what William was looking for. Alessio was just about to become a fraction richer with the Gustovos business of oil production they had in Texas.

"Alessio you are a fine young man and you have seemed to have found the perfect woman as your wife. I would be please if you accepted my offer all I would want out of it is the health and well-being of my wife when I am official gone." William's voice was a hush when he reminded himself of his death. His death that was soon to overtake him.

His brain tumor had grown over the span of ten years. He was lucky he had been able to live for such a long time with treatment but he was starting to weaken and his sight was diminishing as the days and weeks passed. He knew that no type of treatment or amount of money would save him anymore and he was prepared for his death. His life had been successful. He would leave a legacy and his wealth to a young man he knew he could trust. One that would continue his legacy the way he was not able to do so on his own.

William looked over at the handsome man who sat in front of him and then to his stunning wife who was looking at him as if to hear what he would respond.

The Addonizio's were a very attractive couple. They were envied by their onlookers because of it. Women were jealous of Ines for the role she had in Alessio's life and men were jealous for the role Alessio's played in Ines's life. They were always in the media, and when seen in public the paparazzi would mob them asking questions and taking photos.

Even in their current position at least one onlooking paparazzi could be seen outside of the restaurant holding a camera and waiting for the perfect couple to come out so he could gossip about his findings to his coworkers.

"I am honored that you have chosen me to inherit your mines William and I couldn't give up such an offer. William trust Ines and I to care for Beatriz as if she is our own blood." Alessio turned to look at the blue-eyed beauty who looked at the seventy-year-old couple with awe.

She longed for a loving and lasting relationship just like the Gustavos. William was about to pass and he still cared about his wife who he had been with for over forty-five years. She gawked at the love in their eyes when they looked at each other and she saddened at the thought that Beatriz would lose the love of her life, the one who was her reason to live.

William looked at them with appreciation and a wide smile pressed on his face at knowing he would leave his wife in caring hands. Ones that could continue to support her when he would no longer be able to.

The afternoon ended and the Gustavo's and Addonizio's said their goodbyes when they had finished their lunch.

"Do you want me to drive you to the house?" Alessio asked as his eyes focused on the road in front of him.

"I left my car in the building's garage."

Alessio nodded and they drove until they had reached his office's building. They both walked inside but took different routes once in the confidences of the lobby. No goodbyes were said and no kisses were given.

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