5.0; "I love you."

Comincia dall'inizio

Lucas sat back up, and just as he was about to jump out of his truck, his phone suddenly rang.

Unknown Caller ID

Austin, Texas

Lucas furrowed his eyebrows slightly, before his heart pounced in a panic. It must be the hospital. Lucas quickly answered, shoving the cold device up to his ear.

"Hello?" He quickly asked, the sound echoing in his ear. It was silent for a second, before a soft, deep voice spoke.

"Lucas."  He whispered.

Lucas felt tears form in his eyes instantly, n-no, this is impossible. This can't be real.

"D-Dad?" Lucas suddenly whispered, before he began to cry. Static came on the other end, before he heard his fathers soothing voice, he hasn't heard it in years. He hasn't talked to his dad, whom he thought was dead for years and years.

He remembers him?

"My boy." He spoke, and Lucas' heart filled up joy and happiness."You're alive." Lucas says, before he smiled. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion.

"I wanted to call to tell you one very important thing." His dad says, and Lucas nodded his head, as he began to cry again even harder. His father is speaking to him, he's okay. He's gonna be okay.

"When you see the good in someone, you don't give up on them. Especially if they don't see it themselves." 

Lucas was suddenly more confused than ever, what was he talking about it? H-How could he possibly know about Riley?

"D-Dad.. How do you know?" Lucas whispered, as he held on tighter to the phone. The tears were never ending, he was so happy. But still was confused.

"I know, son." He replied, before it fell silent once more. "I'm letting go of my world." Lucas whispered, and the tears suddenly turned to burning ones. Painful.

"Someone once told me, if you're ever lucky enough to find true love, you fight for it. Everyday. With everything in your soul, you don't give up. You hold on."  Will said softly, knowing that those were the words his son needed to hear.

Maybe, his son was confused right now, but it would all make sense later.

"You still believe that, after everything you went through for love?" Lucas asks gently, endearing closer.

Those unforgettable memories Riley came rushing back to his mind,

The moment he saw her walk into the school dance,

Those moments in class where he'd watch her smile brightly,

The moments where he would hold her close, and never let her go.

Lucas felt the tears swell up into his eyes, as the thought of her gave him hope.

"Was it worth it?"

He asked. It fell silent, only the breaths of them both breathing were lingering in the air, before Lucas felt one last tear slip down his cheek.

"If you find someone you love enough to ruin your entire life for," Will says,

"Than it's always worth it." He whispered.

Lucas' heart jumped in his chest, before he looked out of his window, wiping his tears.

"Go to her, my boy." Will spoke. Lucas nodded his head, "Don't give up." His father said, and right before Lucas was about to speak, the line went dead.

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