1.2 Discovery

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This is the continuation of Flashback of Harry from the STORY OF US



The next day after, I brought Rossy in our house. I want her to meet family officially, I already told my dad about her and my mom at first they were shocked , they didn't expect me to have a girlfriend for a long time. To tell you bluntly Rossy is my first love , my first girlfriend that's why mom was surprised when I told her that I finally got a girl in my arms.

They were happy for me and they want to know about Rossy, I don't give them to much details about Rossy because I want them to know her with there own. I thought that Rossy will be fine with them but when I told them that she's a human , suddenly there reaction changed and that's it, the point of it was my mom didn't like about it but thank God she was convinced by my dad. Now me and Rossy are own our way to the living room to finally show her to my family, I can feel the nervousness in Rossy the way she moved. All I did was to hold her back and rub it giving her an assurance that everything will be alright.

As I expected mom, dad, Berry and Jerome are sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for us, when we arrived mom stand up and kissed my cheeks and she did the same to Rossy and hug her. Dad, Jerome and Berry greeted also Rossy

"so you must be Rossy-" my mom said smilingly

" -I do know about you, Harry is talking about you to much, maybe oh ! I forget, your the one that Hans's bestfriend?"  She added

Rossy nod, "yeah, actually I'm also Hans's best friend, I don't really know about you, I only knew your names but aside from that .... nothing" Rossy said nervously

"well .. We should take a seat first" Dad said in a calm voice, we seated on the couch in front of them, I was on the right side of Rossy while Berry sit beside Rossy. Mom , dad and Jerome sit on the couch in front of us. All of the people here are calm as I can feel , Rossy is getting calmer now as I  hold her hand that totally fits to me and she look at me with an innocent smile

" but I know Rossy, she already came here when Harry was absent last month."Berry started , and Rossy nod

" oh ! I remember that" Jerome said while smirking a little bit

" ahh I knew you, Hans talked about you before, how you changed him"  mom said

"so you're the reason why my son suddenly changed"  dad stated seriously

Rossy shake her head and smile, "no its not like that , his still the same, being in a trouble sometimes"  Rossy said laughing and all of us laugh too

" well not anymore"  Berry said then she tap the hand of Rossy, "thank you for changing my brother "

She smile genuinely, " its not a big deal"  Rossy respond, I start to talk, " hmm , before anything else let me introduce my parents"

I look at her innocent eyes and she smile, she's so beautiful. I cant take my eyes on her, still she's only wearing a crop top shirt with a pair of high waist denim with a white converse on her foot. I really love her fashion style.

" hmm , of course you already knew Berry"  pointing to Berry, Berry give her a sweet smile

"she is my older sister, and that is Jerome"  pointing to Jerome, "he is our little brother" Jerome chuckle, "what a description Harry" Jerome said sarcastically

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