*Chapter 3: The Valentino Family*

Start from the beginning

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(she has black skinny jeans, instead of the blue jeans)

With 5 minutes to spare. I grabbed the bandages out my bag and wrapped them around my knuckles. Lastly, I take out my favorite pair of black fingerless gloves. They have a strap of metal over the knuckles so my punches land more solidly. Unfortunately, it leaves some bruises around the knuckles and sometimes even some cuts but that happens even without the gloves. Might as well land a more solid punch.

As soon and I open the door I'm startled to see Alexander standing there. It looked like he was just about to knock. He was wearing the same clothes as before and had the same serious expression. I started to wonder if he knew how to smile at all.

"I hope you find the room to your liking Ms. Nyx."

"Yes, it's more than I expected that's for sure. Thank you."

"I'm glad you find it comfortable. Let's head downstairs, the men are waiting are waiting to meet famous Nyx. A lot of them think you're a man."

"They always do. They never expect the assassin behind the most feared name around to be a woman. Especially when it only surfaced a few years ago." I smiled a bit while I walked behind him.

"I decided to introduce you in the ballroom instead of where I said before. The space is bigger and much easier to communicate."

Of course, he has a ballroom in this house.

We walked all the way to the second floor and down the hall. Once we were at the place, he opened the door I saw more men in suits that I ever seen in my life. There had to be more than fifty men in the room, and I'm sure this is only a fraction of all of Alexanders employees.

Their heads snapped towards me and they all just stared me like I was a piece of meat. I heard snickers and whispers all around. I tried to keep calm and not show weakness. That was the biggest mistake I could ever make. Show any type of weakness in this type of world and they would never forget it.

"Men!" Alexanders voice boomed around the room. Everyone just instantly quieted down and tensed as they looked over to their boss. "Now you all remember how I told you I was going to hire someone to help us with our Nicholas Armani problem. I told you I would hire the best in the business and I delivered." He motioned towards me and I took a step forward. "This woman you see right here is none other than the legendary Nyx. I suggest you play nice or else you'll have me to deal with, if she doesn't deal with you herself that is." He smirks a bit.

"There's no way this chick is as good as they say. She's the smallest person in the room boss!" a voice was heard around the room.

I laughed "You know why they call me Nyx?" I addressed the room, looking specifically at the man who spoke up. There was no response "of course you don't. You probably don't know who she is." I looked around the room before I continued. "I was named after the Greek goddess of the night. Mother of Hypnos, god of sleep, mother of Erebus, god of darkness and mother of Thanatos, god of death, which coincidently is everything I will make you face If you cross me." I looked around the room to see them. Some were just starting at me with blank expressions while other were just smiling. I was about to continue when Alexander cut me off.

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