| c h a p t e r 59 |

Start from the beginning

"Oh, please, it's not like you've never done one," she accuses.

"What?" I ask, laughing at how ridiculous that is. "No! Never!"

"Relax, it was a joke," she hits my arm. "But, seriously, I haven't seen you in a few days. How far along are you guys?"

"You're making it sound like I'm pregnant Christina," I accuse, trying to steer clear of intimate talk.

"Are you?" she asks, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips suggestively.

"No!" I shriek.

"Fine, fine," she says. "But I want to hear everything!"

"No, not everything," I insist, too shy to be able to talk like that.

"Oh, please. He was your instructor, you were an initiate. Things must be kinky hot, come on!"

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, regretting coming here in the first place. What made me think this was a good idea in the first place?

"Do you guys role play at all?" she asks.

This is the part where I would spit out my metaphorical drink.

"What? No!"

"Will and I once did. I pretended to be you and he was Four," she gushes.

I give her the craziest look and she laughs under the pressure. "Joking!" she saves herself.

"But seriously, I can help you in that department. If you need to ask me something, then ask it. I know you're afraid but I think I can kind of help you get around that."

"How?" I ask her noncommittally.

"Because maybe if you know things and you're able to talk and vent, then you'll be more ready," she says sweetly.

"I don't know, I mean . . ." I start. "I'm very private about that type of stuff. I don't know."

"Then give my advice a try. There's nothing to lose, Tris."

I sigh, about to except her offer when she adds, "Except your virginity!"

I roll my eyes. "Fine. I'll tell you a little. But I want you to fully understand that I know you're doing this because you're it's obsessed with my love life."

"That," she says, pointing at me and slowly talking, "is totally . . . true."

I smile at how correct I am. I feel proud. But the moment I start sharing, I know my private life with Tobias has just been invaded. I don't divulge too much. But just enough to make me feel like a boy-crazy girl.

And I am. I'm drunk in love with Tobias Eaton.

+    +    +

An hour later, we are far away from the subjects we were at forty five minutes ago. Thank the Lord.

After a long discussion about the initiates and comparing them to our year, she finally asks, "Where did Four go, anyway?"

"Out to the bar with the guys," I say, raising my eyebrows.

"Ah," she says, placing her drink of Ayer down on the table. Then, contemplating an idea, she adds, "Why don't we crash that party?"

I smile, thinking I'll get to see Tobias sooner than I thought. "Yes! That, my friend, is a perfect idea."

She smiles victoriously. "Let's go then," she says, lifting her jacket.

+    +    +

Christina immediately runs to will the moment she sees him on the bar stool. Unapologetically, she kisses him with full-on tongue. So much for no P.D.A. I think about how she promised me that on the way here.

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