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Can you hear me? Laura open your eyes!

The voice was low and weak. I felt cold chains on me again but something was different. I forced my eyes open as I saw Dr. Young sitting next to me. I looked around and had chords attached to my arms and head.


The voice got louder. I know this voice. Heard it before. Dr.Young, or Adam as he want me to call him, had needles and tubes next to him. I heard screams, 1000 at a time. I looked at the brown rusty room. It was the room in the pictures. "Laura focus on the sound of my voice ok." He said as the screams got louder.

Laura I swear if you are listening to a word this guy said me and you won't get out of here alive. 

"I don't know who you are and why your talking to me" I said to the voice out loud. I felt a needle prick my skin and the effect of drugs took its hold on me.

"Laura, only my voice you listen to." Dr. Young said placing a cotton ball over the needle. "Block out the screams"

Save your voice laura please. Don't talk. Don't scream. Don't break the glass yet.

It was rydel. She's ok, still alive. "Who are you talking to laura, tell me that?" Adam asked as I felt another prick in my arm. I felt the screams form into one but I held it back. Just don't brake the glass yet. "Your friends need you"

Laura he's lying to you about your friends.... If they come here they will die to....

I felt a prick as her voice got drained out by the screams. I started to cry as blood dripped from my ears to my hands.

"What are you going to do to me" I asked as he wiped it.

"I have drilled a whole through your head, to intense your powers and tell me things that can help your friends. Luckily your more powerful for a young banshee others would have died"

"What'd you do to rydel" I said closing my eyes.

"She is not in good shape" he said patting my head with cloth. "Do you know who Riker is?"

"Ross brother.... Rydels brother"

"Have you seen his eyes, his red ones?" He asked as I nodded. "That means alpha, the leader of a group of wolves. Do you know who else is in there"

I shook my head.

"I know nothing more than what I told you." The pain went from my ears to my chest. The more I tried not to answer the screams would get louder by the 1000's.  He turned away as I looked around. There was a lady who had blood streaming down her neck with a ugly brown rusted mask on. I felt like she was one of those who were screaming at me. I closed my eyes and used my energy to drain out the sound.

Don't brake the glass

"Laura, do you know what Ellington is?" He asked as I shook my head. He turned a knob. I felt the electric sting flow up my arm.

Hellhounds popped into my mind as adam said to me, "don't lie to me." I felt the scream come in and I started to cry. Don't do it Laura. I heard a bang on the door as Adam grabbed the same mask as they lifeless body on the floor and held it up. "Your time is up" I looked at it as he lowered it and all the screams that I heard formed into my own. And I let it go as the glass tubs broke and Adam put the mask down with blood down his ears. I saw the door slam open as I saw a person I thought I wouldn't ever see again. Alexa. I smiled a little as she helped me to my feet and started to help me walk. The pain. With every step a scream will get louder.

"Come on laura, we got this" she said as I fell to my knees and held my head.

"I can't do this!" I said looking at her. "Go..."

"No laura- " as she said that I felt the screams form into one. I screamed as loud as I could. I felt a burning heat around my body. I let everyone down, I thought it was over, but I heard one scream now and I knew exactly who it was.


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