Chapter 26: The Date

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I nodded and placed the fabric over my eyes. Once I was done, I felt like I was being carried bridal style. I then felt a long silk of wind slice through my skin. It felt good and cool like always. After a tiny moment, I heard the beep of a car and I was being sat down on something soft and comfortable. I'm guess it was a car as I heard the engine start. The car began moving and now we are on the road

"Where are we going, Helen?" I ask getting a feel around me

"That would spoil the surprise. Besides, we are almost there" He replied with a soft voice

"Okay..." I huffed and sat still

Where ever we're going, I hope it's good!
Angel's (POV)

No one will take Painter from me. No. One. He is mine and mine only! No bitch like Y/n is taking a guy like Helen. He deserves more than her slutty ass anyways. I promise Y/n, you will pay.......... You will pay.
Helen's (POV)

I know Angel is around to screw things up but I won't let her. Not this date. As we reached the surprise destination, I stopped in a parking lot and went around the other side for Y/n. Carefully picking her up bridal style, I made my way through the woods

"Are we there yet?" She asked with a plastered smile

As I saw its rippling water, I smiled and carresed Y/n's cheek

"Yup. We are here" I gently put her down and held her hand as we walked to the table Slendy made for us. Placing my hand over the blindfold, I inched closer to the water and pulled it off. We made it!..... The lake.
Your (POV)

I. Can't. Believe it! We made it to the lake. The place where Helen asked me out to be his girlfriend. The place where we would go to and dance. The place where joy filled my heart. The place where I'm happy as ever. I noticed a table with candles surrounding it and rose petals everywhere on the dock. A bottle of wine is placed in an ice bucket in the middle of the table, and food surrounded it. Two plates, glasses, and silverware, we're on opposite sides of the table. It is wonderful! Dinner under the stars! Helen chuckled as he lead me towards the table and sat me down before sitting down himself. Out of nowhere Slendy teleported in front of us with a tray in hand and was wearing a butler looking suit

"Hello. I will be your server for the day" He chimed handing us two menus and teleporting away

Helen and I looked at each other dumbfounded and laughed at the end. Clearly he wasn't planning this. I looked at the menu and began deciding from endless choices. Once Slender came I was ready to order

"I'll have the Bistro Roast Chicken, Slendy. And thanks for all of this" I smiled as he returned the gesture

"Your welcome. And what would you like Painter?" He asked facing him

"The same thank you" Slender nodded and teleported away leaving the us alone

"I can't believe you did all of this!" I squealed as he watched me happily

"Anything for my Queen's need" He said with a British accent

I laughed at his silliness and we had a full on convo. Slender came, later, with two plates on his tray and set down them down in front of us. He then filled our glasses with the white/red wine. We happily dug in and ate. But before teleporting away, Slender shot Helen a thumbs up and smiled. I gave him a confused look but shrugged it off thinking it was nothing. When we finished eating, Slender came and took our plates away. Thanking him one last time, he smiled and teleported away.

Bloody Painter X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ