Chapter Eight: The Queen of the Night

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Amongst the tall arms and shadows of the ivory pillars that lift the grand hall from its foundations, flutter a flying flock of doves into the hazy drops of clear daylight. They fly from them as they gallop down the marble pathway. Brushing past the laughing adults they run with kites in hand with various minsters staring down to them from the elegant windows.

Cameron: Haha! Anne! Mine's higher than yours.

Anne: No way! I'm faster than you Ron!

Cameron: Look at me-

Without looking forward, he runs into a corpulent man of fifty, bounces back and falls onto his hide.

???: Be careful Cameron.

Cameron: Ah! My kite!

He tries to reach up to catch it, but it already has flown off into with the doves into the sky. Dejected, he clenches his tiny fists and tears begin to well up in his eyes.

Anne: Oh no... Hey, don't cry. Here have mine.

He wipes his tears away and shakes his head.

Cameron: No, that's yours right? I can't take it.

Anne: No, it's ok, I'm happy enough if you're good.

She brushes her lustrous ebony locks aside to reveal a warm, comforting set of golden eyes. Her smile is smooth and sincere, like a water lily in a murky pond. She softly cups his hand and gently unravels his pale fingers.

Anne: Ron.

They stare into each other's eyes as Cameron grips onto the string... suddenly Cameron lets it go. They both turn up and stare as the kite drifts into the atmosphere. They are both unified now.

Anne: Why did you let it go?

Cameron: ... Honestly, I didn't want you to feel left out alone. Now were both left out together!

He smiles stupidly .

Anne: You're so stupid! Hahah!



Anne: How much did this cost you? This could pay my rent.

She wipes her face at the elegant dinner table. Cameron, now a preppy young man, at his own request, plays jazz on the crystal grand piano at the centre of the lavish restaurant.

Cameron: there isn't enough money in the world that would possibly match up to your worth, my love.

Anne: Aww, that's so sweet, it makes me want to throw up!

She speaks in the syrupiest tone she can muster. He stops playing and turns to face her.

Cameron: In reality, I can't say the meal made a dent in my bank account; my father has much more dosh than he can possibly handle.

Anne: Way to kill the romance Ron. Meh, what can I say, I've never really been into cheesy chick-flicks myself.

They both laugh at themselves for a moment, and he returns to his seat beside her.

Anne: Is something wrong? Why're ya looking at me like that way?

She flicks her hair backwards

Cameron: Am I not allowed to look at my girlfriend?

Anne: It looks like there's something on your mind.

Cameron: ... There's something I need to tell you, come...

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