Chapter Four: The First Rendition (part 1)

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??? : I don't get it yeah, why you so antisocial? We just wanna have a bit'a chit chat, you know what I'm sayin'.

??? : Man, red-head's blanking us, yeah.

They stand beside each other, creating a human barricade that blocks the exit to the park. The dying grass still appears to be saturated with early morning rain which in addition, has partially dissolved the fallen snow. They might as well be the only people in the world as the thick winter bed is sapping every sound aside from their hot breaths. Without any one there to help him, Eric must feel all alone.

??? : hey, don't blank us, I wanna ask you sump'n.

The older boy clutches onto Eric and begins to dig his fingers deep into his arm. The discomfort is visible on Eric's face.

Eric: .....just let me pass.....

They turn to each other and grin.

???: I wanted to know how much your mom charges for a night, not much I would assume, she's a classless whore!


Alice: Eric!

Genesis Sinclair launches out of her limousine in anger, followed by an anxious Alice Anderson. Every trot leaves a deep stiletto imprint in the snow behind her.

??? : Wow! You even need girls to "save" you! You're such a fucking pussy!

Alice runs up to Eric and hugs him tenderly, warming him with her large synthetic fur coat.

Alice: are you ok? Why don't you come home with us today, it'll be fun! We can study together and stuff.

Eric: .... I'm sorry I bothered you both, I should've ignored them right? Or maybe I should-

Alice: Don't say that! Were friends!

???: My, If it isn't the diamond vagina, Genesis.

She stares at them with an authoritative glare.

Genesis: You know my family has shares in this high school and I have connections to the board of directors. I will get you expelled if I see you do this again, do you understand?

???: pfft, You think you're better than us and shit, just cos you're rich-

Genesis: I'm warning you! Get the out of my sight.



Alice: Gen? Is something up? You really don't seem 100%.

Genesis gently lays her mug of brilliantly brewed iced tea and falls onto her living room couch. The frozen cubes are already beginning to melt in the spring warmth.

Genesis: Why couldn't I be as nice as you Al? I feel really bad.

Alice turns from staring out of the enormous windows; essentially a giant wall of glass that oversees the breath-taking skyline. The Sinclair family's immense affluence is evident.

Genesis: Eric gets harassed from time to time right? Its not like he is really that sad. But I always tell him he is very victim of bullying and his life sucks and stuff like that. Its almost as though.... I want to make him feel bad.



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