"I think they were counting on them not being able to reach this far, it is not as if you could get here easily either." Remesch replied almost sarcastically as he kicked a ragged doll on the floor, the doll jumped on the floor twice and ended up floating towards the wall.

Pronab approached the tilted floating desk and studied the look; there was some faint burning marks towards the center. He pulled the furniture down and started to check the drawers. "This building is huge, but all one big room; it seems they didn't care for privacy from others once they were inside the facilities..." He sighed as he stopped for a moment and took a deep breath.

"She is going to be ok, they both are safe..." Remesch pulled his attention and he looked at him with resignation; there was nothing he could do about it.

"I am counting on that, I am putting my trust in your hands." Pronab said as he examined another set of flying papers. "Only you can access to them, right?"

"Yes, only me and... well, Amra has the possibility, his powers are greater than what we are used to, he has no limitations like we do, yet he limits himself to protect us. If something ever happens to me, he will be able to trace my energy signature and reach them." Remesch replied as he continued to look around for something to bring his attention. Pronab nodded, even though he was not looking at him, he heard him perfectly well.


"Amra, some of them will come straight at you..." Elaine warned him as they stood in the middle of the huge road lines that connected the city; at their sight in a far distance, creatures from nightmares awaited someone's order to strike.

"I am counting on them to do that." Amra replied, his jaw tense and his arms spread slightly, giving room to his wings and the aura around him that started to glow and grow.

Elaine sighed and nodded, she knew their enemies would not all be stupid enough to attack him but some, the wild ones, will be dumb enough to try; in the many battles she had fought, she witnessed this happen many times, no matter how strategic the generals were, there were always a few who would think they were smarter and more powerful and try to run alone.

Elaine's orders were simple; two fronts on opposite sides of the city, one led by Maxwell, the other by her. The angels presented a magnificent view of their power as they remained quiet and floating still waiting for orders; it was mandatory for them to reveal as little as they could of their powers. On the opposite side, the view of the evil forces ready to strike was the distinct contrast; they had every figure, shape and color, every possible way they could present themselves and inspire fear.

"What are they waiting?" One of the angels asked almost to himself but Elaine heard him.

"They are waiting for us to make the first move, but they know we won't. They are searching for something to trigger us. They want to push our buttons. I can only hope we were able to prevent any kidnappings of Asterias... or else, we would be having a different outcome." She replied for everyone to hear.

Suddenly, somewhere between both of the lines something sparkled; it was brief but bright, and it disappeared as soon as it came. Seconds later, a loud roar was heard and the darkness surrounding the dark Angels began to move and head towards them. Elaine looked at Amra briefly as she commanded everyone. "What was that?"

"Hold your positions... let them come to us." Amra didn't look at her back, but he remained in his spot.

'Amra... we need to find out what that spark was... and we need to find General Alexander as soon as we can... please focus on this... once we find him, we will let the Mengs do their job...' Elaine sent to him mentally. This time, he looked at her and nodded, he knew exactly what to do.

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