"I was lucky, I didn't have much morning sickness and when I did it was spread out far enough for me to cover it up." She said smiling at me, I couldn't stop grinning and I examined my daughter and didn't realize the large baggy sweater she was wearing and the leggings as well, along with her swollen feet that she had been elevating until I came downstairs.

"Can I see?" I asked cautiously, she scrunched her nose and smiled, nodding as she pulled her sweater back, revealing the slight pop in her normally skinny figure.

"I'm three months along, I forgot I was pregnant last night when I drank the scotch so I kinda threw it up while Regina was in the bathtub." She said giggling at herself, I sighed and crossed my arms at her.

"HEY! I HAD MY HAND IN HER UTERUS! I NEEDED TO FORGET!" She exclaimed, giggling at me, I rolled my eyes and set the pan down. "Well I guess you should get back to your grilled cheese then." I said smiling at her, she returned one and nodded, making herself some more food. "All I know is that I do not want that to happen." She said pointing upstairs, shuddering at yesterday's events.


I woke up and I felt the heavy rock in my chest that was my heart, I really was an ass, a huge one actually. My mom had been hurt because of me, multiple times, she nearly died for me in the Enchanted Forest and I could barely save her then!

"Henry?" I looked up and saw an exhausted Robin sit up, both of us had taken turns getting the baby last night due to both of our lack of sleep. "Yeah." I muttered, cracking my neck as I sat up on my bed.

"Why were you so upset yesterday?" He asked looking over into the crib where the baby was sleeping.

"I was just thinking about the times I was horrible with my mother, I guess being back here just makes me remember the rough patch we had."

Robin went to speak when suddenly purple smoke surrounded us and we were inside of my mother's vault.

"What the?!" Robin exclaimed, looking into the crib that had thankfully transported as well.

"You two are lying." I looked up and saw my mother sitting on a chest with a smirk on her face. "What? No! What's going on!" I started but she rolled her eyes and walked towards us.

"Okay, Jared, although I know that's not your real name, who is your father?" She asked coldly, inches away from my face, a lump formed in my throat and I swallowed.

"Nobody, I never met the guy, he abandoned my mother and I before I was born." I lied, she raised her eyebrow and then walked over to Robin and the baby.

"And who's baby is this really?" She asked getting closer to him, I shook my head at Robin and then realized I had a solution.

"She's yours." I finally said, she looked up and then darted towards me, slamming me into the wall with her choke hold. "YOU LITTLE LIAR!" She screamed at me, I choked and took out my quill and reverses the cloaking spell on Robin and the baby.

"GIVE ME ONE REASON WHY I SHOULD BELIEVE YOU!" She yelled, tears now building in her eyes, I frantically dug through my pocket and pulled out the quill and ink jar.

"Where did you get that." She muttered, dropping me onto the floor. "You're right, we have been lying, but that is your daughter." I said catching my breath, she gave me an inside look and then shook her head.

"You're lying." She said finally, I shook my head and pulled a piece of paper out and laid it in front of her.

The author removed the cloaking spell from himself.

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