Chapter 3: One Action

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Cheryl’s POV

“Cheryl?” I heard Cara whisper.

“Yea? Cara” I responded as we let go of our embrace.

“How do you stay so strong so put together?”

Cara’s question boggled my mind. I for one am not strong, I’m far away from it. Cara looked at me with those deep chocolate brown eyes.

I tried to speak nothing came out. So, i tried again.

“I’m not strong..” I looked away.

Cara chuckled softly, she clearly didn’t believe me. Do I really seem so strong?

“I don’t believe that Chez.. Look at you! You still manage to smile even though it’s weak. At the worst possible times you still manage to light up a room with your smile!”

Doesn’t she know that when no one’s around I break down. I’m that kind of girl who likes being alone when she’s in a bad mood. I seem like this because I learned to hide it. Hiding my feelings is natural to me I guess…

“Trust me Cara I am not strong. I’ve learned to keep my emotions in since.. Jerome happened in our lives.”

Cara held my hand loosely. Shouldn’t it be me comforting her? She got raped, beat up while I just keep my feelings tucked in. This to me doesn’t seem right.

“It’s not good to keep it in Cheryl. People have their moments. One day people break, everyone has a breaking point. This situation that I’m in seems like my breaking point. Chez.. I wonder sometimes when will be yours?”

When will be yours? I have reached my breaking point too many times. It started on the night they were shot. From then on, I’ve been scared of gun shots.

“WHERE’S THE MONEY?” I heard Jerome’s booming voice from my room. Squinting I looked at the lock beside me. It read 11:00 pm.

“What’s going on?” I thought. I tried to go back to sleep. Tossing and turning my eyes slowly began to close. That’s when I heard it. The loud gun shot from downstairs. Quickly I leaped out of bed.

Running downstairs I didn’t see Jerome it was pitch black. Approaching the light switch my hands began to shake. Taking a breath I flipped it on. Little did I know my worst nightmare was coming true.

My mom and dad were laying on the ground piles of blood everywhere. I ran towards them crying and screaming. Their bodies had three shots each one in the leg, then the arm, finally the shot that killed them.. Jerome shot both of them in their hearts.


“What’s going on?”

Turning around I saw Cara who clearly just woke up judging my state of her. I was speechless, then finally she saw it. Our parents dead on the kitchen floor.

Cara began crying, tears streaming down her face as fast as a waterfall. Holding her tightly I ran my fingers through her hair hoping to reassure her that I will never leave her side.

“What’s going to happen to us now?”

“I don’t know Cara. I don’t know”

She faced me her tears still streaming down her face. Pulling her closer I started singing a song in her ear.

“Oh, Why You Look So Sad?

Tears are in your eyes

Come on and come to me now

Don’t be ashamed to cry

Let me see you through

’cause I’ve seen the dark side too

When the night falls on you

You don’t know what to do

Nothing you confess

Could make me love you less

I’ll stand by you

I’ll stand by you

Won’t let nobody hurt you

I’ll stand by you”

I heard her quite snoring knowing that the song managed to calm her down. My eyes began to wander then my mind began to think. Where’s Jerome? Is he coming back? Will we be next?

A tear ran down my cheek. Cara wiped it away this time instead of myself. She looked at me sympathetically, as if she already knows what I was thinking about. Looking at her though made my heart break little by little. Losing two of the most important people in my life turned my world upside down. If I lose her, I might just go insane. Losing our parents when I was only 16 while Cara being 15 changed our lives forever. Now at 23 and 22 the both of us are still scared to face the days ahead. One action by one stupid person changed the way we live our lives today.


Authors Note:

So, feel free to vote&comment or follow me! AGAIN this is a repost from my original account xcamille.

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