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Sammy soon showed up and he texted me telling me to come outside.

I looked in the mirror then left.

I walked up to his car getting into the passenger seat.

"Hi Addilyn"


"This bitch.."I heard him mumble.

"Excuse me."

"Your excused."he smiled his dimple showing."

He started driving and sighed.

5 mins later (voice from sponge bob)

Sammy rested his hand on my thigh and I freaked lowkey.

"U-uh sorry I mean Sammy."

"Hm what's up."he smirked as he began rubbing up and down my thigh with his hand."


"Hand you move.. "I turned red as I couldn't even get my sentence out right.

He laughed and I punched him.

"Ugh I'm sorry."I said.

"You should be how could you be mad at this sexy ass guy?"

"What sexy guy? The only thing sexy in here is me."I giggled.

"Ha ha real funny."

"I know I should become a comedian."

"No no you shouldn't stick to what your actually good at."

"Okay now your tryna be funny eh."

"Nah honest."


As I said that Sammy pulled into a parking lot.

There were no other cars and no other people around.

I got out and followed Sammy as he began walking to a wood house shaped place.

He opened the door and it was like a little antique store.

He walked through the back door then it was a beach.

"You didn't tell me to bring a swimming suit."I frowned.

"Cause I bought you one."he chucked.

Grabbing a bag that was behind a bench.

"So where do I change.

"Right here."he smirked.

"Quit Sammy for real."

"Yes I'm for real ... No ones around I own this place and I canceled everything here today so I can bring you here."

"Sammy you didn't have to–

"To bad I wanted to."

I sighed and began undressing I stared right into his eyes as he stared back at me.

His eyes left mine and he looked down at my body as I was left in a bra and underwear(I hate the word panties so I won't use that a lot)

He pushed me against a wall quicker than ever.

He smashed his lips against mine and stuck his tongue in my mouth so swiftly.

I was shocked at how that just happened to fast but I soon caught on.



Cliffhanger.. Oops

But I got to many comment saying update and yeah I hate when people tell me to update😑😪

Eventually I will...

But this was boring but be happy I updated


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