Choose One

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(For the sake of this oneshot, pretend electricity is a thing in minecraft)

Jason stood, staring at what Sky had brought him to.

"What are you planning, Sky?" he asked, causing the older to look at him.

"Just...wait," the butter-lover replied. "I'm almost done." In front of the astronaut was a building with an iron door. A button was on the wall next to the door, and it took all of Jason's willpower to not press it.

"Alright, done!" Sky proclaimed. He walked back around to the front of the building where Jason was waiting. "Go ahead and walk in." The astronaut breathed out a sigh that he didn't know he had been holding, pushed the button and walked in. Inside the room was dark, but he quickly found a lever that controlled the lights - yet when he flipped it, nothing happened.

"Yeah...there's no electricity in this house for some reason," Sky said, switching on a torch. It lit up the room, revealing two more doors: a wooden one and another iron one.

"What the-"

"Choose one," Sky stated simply. "Choose a door and go through it." Jason looked at Sky questioningly, then turned back to the doors. He had to choose one, since the first iron door had closed behind them and there was no way out. Considering his options, he felt more drawn to open the wooden door than the iron one, so he stepped forwards, pushed it open and entered another room. This one had two trapdoors, both on opposite sides of the room.

"Same again?" Jason asked, earning a nod back. He sighed, trying to figure out which route he should take. Last time the wooden door had been on the left side of the room, so maybe he should take the right...? Or was that what Sky wanted him to do and in fact he was supposed to take the left? Unless he was trying to pull a triple bluff and he was meant to- wait, did it really matter? Did his choices even make any difference?

"Really thinking through this one, aren't ya?" Sky chuckled, accidentally lowering the torch and making it shine more on the right trapdoor. Jason just rolled his eyes.

Well, you just made my choice much easier, he thought to himself, opening the right trapdoor and jumping through it.

Three more new choices lay in front of him. An oak trapdoor, a simple hole in the ground and a ladder going down. So...they were all leading downwards, and were too close together to definitely be connected to three different rooms. He sighed.

"I'd rather not jump down, Adam, I'll take the ladder." Said boy chuckled.

"Knew you'd choose that one for those reasons," Sky smiled, gesturing for his friend to go on. Jason rolled his eyes and started descending down the ladder. How many rooms were there? Was this just going to go on forever? Maybe the next room was- oh.

"Wh-" Another three wooden doors stood in front of him; these were mahogany, dark oak and birch. This time, a sign was next to each of them.

"This one is different," Sky stated, walking forwards. He stood next to the mahogany door. "Walk through here and you'll be faced with endless zombies." He moved to the dark oak one. "This door leads to a room where you'll surely get electrocuted." He then stood by the birch door. "And this one has a blazing inferno. Fire, everywhere, you can't escape." Then he moved out of the way so that Jason could see everything. "Go. Decide. Choose your fate." What?

" brought me here to die?" Jason whispered, feeling slightly betrayed. "You brought me here so I could choose my own death and walk straight to it? What the heck, man?" Sky shook his head.

"I didn't bring you here to die, I brought you here to test your knowledge and puzzle solving skills," he corrected. "I'm not going to let you die."

Jason tried to look through the doors, only to see blackness.

"Oh, and you can't see anything since the doors were designed so you can't look through them. Should of told you earlier." Jason sighed.

"Well, there goes my plan of seeing my death scenes in front of me," he muttered bitterly. Sky frowned.

"Dude, are you serious? Do you have the memory of a goldfish? Remember what I told you when we first came in here?" Jason turned back to Adam, only to lock eyes on the torch. The torch, the...only light source they had at the time. Because there wasn't any...

"Yeah...there's no electricity in this house for some reason." Sky said, switching on a torch.

Jason gasped.

"Why you little tricker! How did I not see this before?" he hurriedly rushed towards the dark oak door, pausing for a second. The sign on the side read: "Electrocution Execution." It sent shivers down his spine.

"Am I really safe to go through this?" he asked, looking for confirmation. "Or is this some sick joke?"

"I did say that I'm not going to let you die," Sky said. Considering he wasn't making any move to stop the astronaut, Jason figured that he was making the right choice.

"See you on the other side, then," he said confidently, pushing open the door and walking through. Surprisingly, the room was empty, except for another dark oak door on the far side. He ran for it, pushed it open and stepped out into sunlight, to fresh air, to safety.

"Congratulations! You made it through successfully!" Sky cheered from behind. "Nice little riddle, huh?"

"Don't make me do that again," Jason scowled. "Once was bad enough."


So this is based off of something that all of my school friends would do to each other - we'd tell the victim that they were in a house with no electricity, give them several choices to get somewhere, then present them with three death situations, one of them being by electrocution. If the person chose wrong, we'd laugh and explain the right answer. If they got it right, then they'd obviously heard the riddle before and could no longer be tricked. That's the background of this oneshot.

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