Chapter 5

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Justin's pov: "I'm home!" I yell as me and Skyler walk through the door. I toss my backpack onto the couch along with hers and take for a little tour. "Wow" she whispers, "your house is huge!" She says. I chuckle at her beautiful big brown eyes. "Hungry?" I ask. "Sure she replied." "Mac and cheese?" I asked her. "Sounds great" she says while petting the cat.

Skylers pov: "I'm in Justin Drew blake's  house!" I thought to myself. I knew it wasn't that big of a deal but still, everything that boy has done for me and now him and I are friends.
He took my hand and led me to the couch. He grabbed the remote and sat down. He patted the seat next to him gesturing me to sit down. We decided to watch a movie. After he finished making our Mac and cheese he came over, gave me my bowl, grabbed a blanket and put it over us. "Thank you Justin." I said. "I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me. You were there when no one else was even if it was just online. You are my inspiration and now I'm sitting in your couch, eating the Mac and cheese you made me. My life is so different, thanks to you." I said.
"I'm so happy I left such a big impact on your life, it means a lot knowing I made someone happy" he said with that cute crooked smile of his. I honestly think I'm starting to fall for that boy. This is scary. I haven't fell for anyone since Riley.

*FLASHBACK* skylers pov: It was such a warm day at the beach, the sand was warm and water was perfect, I was with the boy I loved and everything was just amazing. This would be the first time being with Riley without a long sleeve shirt on which scared me because I had many self harm scars on my arm which I am very self conscious about. I took my shirt off leaving me in my denim shorts and my pink triangle bikini top, my skin was pretty tan since I had gone to the tanning salon the day before. My hair was up in a high pony, and I had my brand new Ray bans on. After I took my shirt off I walked over to Riley to hug him. He went in for the hug when noticing my scars.
"Ew; what the hell is wrong with your arm?" He said.
"Th..there scars." I said with a shaky voice.
"Girls with scars are gross, your an idiot for doing that, we're done, I'm outta here" he said.
He stranded me on the beach. He drove away, watching me ball my eyes out from his rear view mirror, my first love, my everything, was gone.

My internet superman- a Justin Drew Blake fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now