Chapter 3

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Justin's pov: Damon lets go! I yell getting in the car. Coming! He screams back, Damon climbs into the car and I pull out of the drive way. We finally pull into the school parking lot and get out of the car.

Skylers pov: I couldn't even go into the school, I sat by myself on the side of the school crying, I looked up to see a firmilliar face behind the tears that were clouding my vision. A..are you okay beautiful? he says with a worried face. I quickly wipe my eyes and realize who is standing before me. J..j...Justin Drew Blake?!? I whisper yell. Uh.. Yeah.... He says. I'm your biggest fan I say trying not to look like a total idiot. Well thank you...let me help you up, he says reaching out his hand. I grab on to it and he pulls me up. Brushing of my butt I say thank you and he walks me into the school. Are you new here he asks? Yeah, I just moved here and today's my first day I answer back. Seems like your first day is going pretty rough he says while looking me in the eyes.

My internet superman- a Justin Drew Blake fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now