10. The Glue, The Light and the fight

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Y/N's E/C eyes fluttered open to see that she was in a tiny room that had no windows and only one door. The dazed girl sat up groggily, 'What happened?', she thought as her vision finally cleared up. But as soon as she did, she saw the unconscious form of Thomas on the other side of the room. Seeing him brought back the memory of last night's events. 'Thomas!', the H/C haired Glader crawled over to the unconscious boy, gripping him by the shoulders.
"Wake up, Thomas!", she pleaded, shaking his body roughly. Thomas started to come to, meaning Y/N could release the breath she hadn't realised she was holding.
"Thank God you're alive...", she muttered under her breath, helping the other teenager to sit up.

"Ugh... What happened?", Thomas questioned, rubbing the back of his head that was throbbing with pain, "All I remember was being thrown against a wall then being whacked in the back of the head by...". Thomas remembered last night's events, his facing going from pain to sad and shocked. Y/N saw this and placed a comforting hand upon his shoulder.
"I know...", Y/N murmured, "I was pretty shocked when she first started acting this way. But I always had this feeling that she was...weird. Like, at any second she would do something that would change the way the trials went. Well...I guess I was right". Thomas looked hurt, no, more than hurt. Heartbroken. Utterly heartbroken. 'She obviously means something special to him...', the former Runner thought sadly, this whole scene reminding Y/N of Newt and her's relationship. Where did it stand? He obviously cared to a great deal for her, and vice versa. And they had many intimate moments - but Minho, the bloody shank, always had to ruin them - but Y/N didn't know what was going through Newt's head. And she may never know.

Before Y/N could contemplate anymore, the door from across the room opened to reveal the Betrayer herself. Y/N was about to glare at her but saw something was...different about her. Her body didn't seem to radiate arrogance or power, but fear and sadness. Her body wasn't stiff or still as a brick, but it was shaking and twitching as if she had just been electrocuted. Her face showed no sign of coldness or hatred or disgust, but it was stretched into a sad frown that was slightly open to show her mouth and let sobs escape it. And her eyes - her deep, blue eyes - weren't full of anger or pure rage, but they were full of sad and guilty tears, flowing freely down her pale face. Y/N just stared in amazement and confusion; this was the girl she had first met. The timid, shy, sad girl she and the Fielders encountered when looking for Aris. Speaking of the dirty-blond boy, he stood behind Teresa, his face an expression of regret and guilt.
"T-Thomas...", the raven-haired girl stammered out, taking a step into the room. Y/N felt Thomas flinch and crawl back a bit when she stepped forward, clearly not wanting her anywhere near him. Teresa stopped in her tracks, only staring at the two still on the ground. She stayed silent for a while, but soon offered her hands to the both sitting teenagers.
"Come on, I'll help you up". The two were very hesitant, how could they trust this girl after what she did to them? After all the pain she and Aris had put them through, how could Y/N and Thomas trust either of the two again? The two sitting Gladers looked at each other, deciding their choice. They ignored Teresa's offering hands and helped each other up, not saying a single word.

Teresa got the idea that they didn't want her help and so dropped her hands and stepped aside from the doorway.
"You first", was all she said, gesturing her hand through the door towards the original entrance. Y/N was wary but walked through the doorway to meet Aris all the same. Thomas followed and Teresa came out last, shutting and locking the door as she did. The E/C eyed girl looked towards Aris, her intense gaze stabbing daggers at the boy. Aris made eye contact with the mad H/C haired girl and quickly lowered his head and gaze to stare at the floor. Y/N made a disgusted "hmph", as she turned towards the other two occupants of the room.
"I assume you want an explanation," Teresa finally spoke through the deafening silence.
"Yes, but I'm not comfortable in this building, tell us outside", Thomas replied anger laced in his words. The ravenette nodded and her and Aris left out the door to the outside world. As Y/N and Thomas stepped out, they realised that it was daytime. But the sun wasn't high in the sky, it was low to the horizon. In fact, it seemed to be mid afternoon. Y/N looked at her Runner watch, the one where she kept track of time through her journey, and it read: 4:30pm. 'Mid afternoon...? But it was night time when we...', Y/N's eyes widened and her mouthed opened as she realised how long they had been out. Almost an entire day Y/N and Thomas had been sleeping for, the sun would go down in an hour or two. Thomas also realised this and was also in shock. If they were with the boys - or even the girls - right now, they would be either at the safe haven or near it. He desperately wished they were safe at the haven. Thomas shook his head and cleared his head, turning his focus towards the Betrayer, asking, "Alright, what was that all about?".

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