0.3 Groupchat

609 30 8

Stiles stilinski added Malia Tate to the Group Chat

Stiles stilinski: why is Malia hiding behind the bus?

Scott McCall: ^

Lydia Martin: ^^

Kira Yukimura: ^^^

Malia Tate: i'm avoiding someone

Scott McCall: I can tell you stink

Malia Tate: EXCUSE ME

Lydia Martin: you do not say that to a girl

Stiles Stilinski: Damn bro shouldn't of said that

Scott McCall: of anxiety!

Scott McCall: I swear I meant to say of anxiety

Scott McCall: I'm an awkward typer sorry

Malia Tate: I could kill you if I tried

Stiles Stilinski: you my friend have some serious anger issues you should probably get checked out

Malia Tate: says the hyperactive spaz

Stiles Stilinski: yes says me

Lydia Martin: But who are you avoiding?

Malia Tate: A guy

Kira Yukimura: OMG ^

Lydia Martin: ^^

Stiles Stilinski: ^^^

Scott McCall: what about stalia?

Malia Tate: stfu about stalia

Stiles Stilinski: we had sex one time that does not make us ship name worthy

Scott McCall: but i was rooting for you guys

Lydia Martin: we have a new ship to be captains of now Scott

Scott McCall: what ship

Kira Yukimura: whoever the guy is that shes avoiding

Scott McCall: I don't get it Stalia have had sex and aren't worthy of a ship name yet Malia and some random guy she's avoiding are worthy

Scott McCall: I don't understand you people

Lydia Martin: SCOTT!

Stiles Stilinski: SCOTT!

Kira Yukimura: SCOTT!

Scott McCall: what?

Malia Tate: Omg he saw me hiding

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