❤️Dating Tale #3 ❤️

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The last place was Suwa Reiji. The glorious and popular Suwa Reiji, asking her to a date on Valentine's. No offense, but Ayano doesn't have an interest in him.

She killed Suwa Ruka. Or, render him that he wouldn't wake up since a year ago. It was all her fault that his twin brother ended up like that. When she went to the hospital room once, she saw him crying near his brother's bedside. The idol brother, who shines in the spotlight, letting a murderer see him in such a state.

Back then, Suwa looked at her with rage in his eyes, despite the tears running down his face. Ayano couldn't take it anymore. That was when Reiji started controlling her. Always at his beckoning. But he wasn't taking control of her helpless self. It was because Ayano let him.

Ayano, that time, she thought she wouldn't be accepted by anyone. She was just an azalea, poisoning others when they meet her. But then Honan Stride Team changed her.

She awakened Clear Mind. Her main weapon in Stride.

The only two who accepted her for who she was.

The one who first talked to her.

The one who taught her again, the fun of Stride.

Yagami Tomoe and Kuga Kyousuke.

Reiji and Ayano rekindled their relationship, making them friends. But there was always a barrier between them. That one person. The person that Ayano had loved.

Suwa Ruka.


"Reiji... You expect me to be here!"

Reiji had specifically told her to be here at night, therefore, that's why it was the last of her plans. What she didn't expect, out of everything, was for her to be at a concert at an amusement park.

Galaxy Star Concert out of all events.

The units of the idol groups came out of the smoke of the stage, before starting their performance. It was obvious that Reiji was the leader. He was always the leader.

All the group members of this same idol group is a part of Saisei Stride. However, even though they are idol, Saisei is a strong contender, with their top facilities. It could be said in the past, Saisei and Honan were rivals.

After all, Honan Stride last year was one of the strongest. Kuga Kyousuke and Yagami Tomoe, the ace of the team, along with Heath. And one little girl who was very good at parkouring, but she was in middle school still.

She can tell that Reiji can sense of the reactions of the crowds. The enthusiasm of the crowds. His power allowed him to do that. The one that they switched.

Clear Mind was originally Ruka's ability. To fulfill the conditions to use Clear Mind was having Suwa Reiji and Kimizuki Ayano as it's mediator.

Reiji's ability was Ayano's original ability, Lacplace's Origin. With that power, he can sense other's abilities. But due to Reiji's influences, it can sense strong feelings.

Ruka's ability is Two-Faced Lovers, which was owned by Reiji. It shouldn't have been an ability. It will crush anyone in it's path to reach his "lover" heart.

How abilities are created in Stride? Abilities aren't a major factor in Stride. The best ability there is, as everyone has it, is the Power to Connect. Only several people will be mutants to it. Like Ayano, Reiji, and Ruka.

"Can I leave this place...." Ayano muttered as Reiji looked upon her. It been a few weeks he saw her, but she looked different. After all, she had black hair now. But even that, she seemed so much more different from before.

She seemed to be more elegant than before.

More beautiful.

More of innocence.

She was just like a sunflower to him. Not an azalea as she said in the past. Her poison shift to an antidote that is shining like a sunflower.

"Thank you for coming!" The members were saying, but Reiji was preoccupied catching up to the black hair figure.

He searched through the corridors, despite having his stage outfit on. He knew that other people will find him sooner of later, and tear off his clothes, but he wanted to find her.

"Aya!" He called out, as Ayano turned around to see him. She gave a disgusted look. "Don't show that me, show me your brilliant smile!"

"And see your ugly face? You're wasting my time." Reiji only smiled before grabbing onto her hand. She blushed immediately, and tried to retract, but Reiji kept a grip onto her.

They rushed down the hall, with Reiji leading and her following. But due to Stride, she could catch up quickly with him. And then a crowd was filling up the front.

"Get ready!" With parkouring, Ayano couldn't believe how fast Reiji had evolved. He was almost at the same level as Fujiyama..... No, not even close. He was well above.

The females were awed over the Stride-like move as the two ran away from them. They started taking pictures quickly, sending it to everyone they knew.

The cellphone article: Suwa Reiji has A Midnight Date?


"Let go of me, Reiji!" Ayano cried, as Reiji finally stopped in front of an attraction. A Ferris wheel. "Oh no, you're not going to make me ride that-"

"If we reach the top of the Ferris wheel, I'll tell you a secret." Reiji said seriously. Ayano thought over this. She could have an advantage over him but..... Would she take the chance.....

"Okay." Reiji opened the door of the carriage and motioned for her to get him. Reluctantly, she sat in the chair of it. Reiji soon followed, and the attraction started.

It was just pure silent. Ayano held onto her seat as tight as possible, as Reiji put his elbow near the window and looked out of it. It was painfully silent for Ayano to handle.

She felt dizzy. Even if it was going to be a few minutes, it just makes her sick in the stomach. Ayano yelped as the carriage started swaying.

"Ayano, you couldn't be---" Reiji laughed loudly for a couple of seconds, before a punch hit him directly in the chest.

"Yes, I'm afraid of heights. Now shut up!"

"Haha, I'm sorry for not knowing that, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Reiji kept laughing throughout. It wasn't even close to the top but the silence dispersed.

"Why don't you come here~!" Reiji grabbed her and she landed in the arms of Reiji. Ayano was blushing, but she wasn't trying to struggle. It was relaxing.. It reminded her of him... No, this was Reiji.

"See, it makes everything better." Just like Ruka. No matter how different, their differing personalities, or their voices, they were almost the same. But yet, she feels the pulses of her hearts quickly getting quicker.

They were slowing descending, almost reaching the end of the Ferris wheel.

"Ju-Just tell me your secret!"

Reiji quickly moved, making Ayano's eyes widened.

His lips left hers. His eyes looked directly at hers.

"I love you, Aya."

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