Chapter 8: Old Friends, Old Enemies

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"So, Ayano, you've been modeling for most of your life?" Sakurai asked, as they walked out of there. Ayano sighed, as she nodded. She was back in her school uniform, as they were walking the corridor.

But then a hand grabbed out to her shoulder where she immediately turned around.

"Nice to see you again, Kimizuki."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm Nozomi, not Kimizuki." Ayano said hurriedly, as she took Sakurai's hand and rushed out of there. She made sure to go fast, but not fast enough for Sakurai to trip. As soon Ayano thought she reached a good distance, she stopped. Sakurai was breathing hard, as she finally noticed Ayano's natural speed.

"Who's Kimizuki?"

"It's a person you shouldn't know about." Ayano walked away immediately, leaving Sakurai behind. She said it so quickly, as if she doesn't want anyone to remember it.

"Kimizuki Ayano.... Nozomi Ayano... Obviously, they are the same person." The boy with black hair said. He smiled at the fading figure.

"The same murderer from 4 years ago..."

"Ne, Hasekura-Senpai, who is Kimizuki? Ayano seems agitated whenever I mention that name." Sakurai asked Hasekura, who was resting from training with the other team members. The team members of Stride were in the room, stretching from that long workout.

"Eh, Aya is Kimizuki though. She changed her last name just a few months ago." Hozumi answered, where Sakurai opened her eyes.

"Actually, a boy called her Kimizuki..." Hasekura had a look of disbelief. The only people who would recognize her as Kimizuki as well as not knowing she changed and was at the studio, were those people.

"That same boy is part of Saisei. They're the people who we're battling."

"Then why did Nozomi-San freeze up?"

"I don't remember, but there's a bad history between her and Suwa. In fact, I think we had to change our line up only for Saisei because Aya would not run in the same relay as him."


"Suwa Reiji. The Leader of Saisei Stride Club."

"No, if Aya ran in the same relay, Aya wouldn't have been able to run." The club advisor said to everyone, who was in disbelief. Except for Fujiwara, who looked at the sensei.

"She went to the same middle school as Suwa Reiji. And it is suppose-"

Sakurai covered her mouth, as the other members looked down to the ground. Fujiwara was the most affected, as his history was bad too.

"Suwa Reiji had a twin brother named Suwa Ruka. And that same brother is in a coma since 4 years ago. He was friend with Nozomi."


"Ne, Reiji, why the hell did you call me out over here?"

"Because you haven't contacted me for a while. Don't you know?" Ayano looked away. No matter how much she hated this, she couldn't let go. She was at his beckoning and call.

Reiji went near Ayano's face, holding her chin lightly. Her face was tilted upward to Reiji's face, as Reiji came close to her ears.

"You're mine, Ayano." Reiji kissed her cheek, as Ayano backed away from the man. Ayano hated Reiji as much she hated Fujiwara. Because both of them, are people that she can't let go no matter what.

Even Suwa Ruka.

"You digust me! Ew! Ew! Ew! Don't you know personal space?! You're just like Ruka!" Although Reiji was a twin, he looked different from Ruka. For one thing, their hair color are different. And their voices. Ruka had a higher pitch, but Reiji had a lower pitch. Reiji has a mysterious aura, Ruka has a likable personality.

"I'm not Ruka, Ayano. I'm Reiji." Every time Ayano sees Reiji, and even he knows this, she sees Ruka every time. Ayano felt like puking already, knowing that she almost quite reached her limits. This happened too many times that Ayano literately can faint.

"Funny, you're with Stride. Although you said you weren't?" The last time Reiji and Ayano met was two weeks before school began.

"I'm not. I'm just hanging around with them because I can. You have a problem with that?"

"Yes, I do. Since I can't battle you in Stride.." Ruka and Reiji were 3rd years in highschool, while Ayano is in her 1st year. But in her last year of junior high, she was able to compete against Reiji's team. But, that was still a sore subject.

"Unless, I join. Which I'm not."

"Because Tomoe and Kyousuke aren't in the club anymore, right? Your ability wouldn't activate." Reiji looked at Ayano, who was stunned. No one knew her secret except for her club members.

"Your ability, <Clear Mind>. Where the objective is to trust 2 people, therefore making their speed greater than before. On the other hand, you also have a increase in speed since you're not aware of reality anymore." Ayano clenched her fist.

The last time she activate it successfully was when she was in her last stride.

The horrid last stride.

The Stride where Tomeo and Kyousuke left the club.

"But, if you don't activate it perfectly, you'll faint within a minute. But if you don't continuously use it, you will have nightmare. That's why <Clear Mind> is also called, <Nightmare>."

"H-How do you know this?"

"Oh. It's because you stole it from Ruka. That was his ability before hand, before it switched."

"W-What?!" Ayano was confused. Ruka had her ability? <Clear Mind> or <Nightmare>? She had never seen him in action with it though.. He was always a carefree person.

"Your original ability was to sense other abilities. That's the reason why you have increased observation and physical strength. But, as soon you met Ruka, it switched."

"So Ruka has my ability and I have his?"

"Nope." Reiji stared at Ayano.

"I have your ability. Ruka has mine. And you have Ruka. "

Reiji stared at Ayano who was clearly shocked. She knew every runner in Stride had some sort of ability, whether if it was small or big. But switching abilities has never came to her.

"If my ability was to observe... And Ruka's ability was <Nightmare>... Then what was yours?"

"<Two-Faced Lover>."

"Two-Faced?" Ayano wished she hadn't heard the next part.

"If the girl he loves doesn't like him, then a disaster will fall upon him. After 4 years, he will rise again, only to aggressively attain the girl he likes. If I could explain that side better, he will do anything to get you to love him. Even defeating Honan Stride Team to reach that goal."

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