1- paternity

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tab chapter 1- "paternity"
a/n: i don't own fob or anything also i don't know the inner workings of electric guitars very well. Also I got in C- in Chemistry don't judge me!
It is sweet relief when I see the front door of the apartment and not the office. I look at the old front door and exclaim.

"Oh sweet relief!"

"Stop acting like therapy is the worst thing in the world!" Clementine scolds as we walk through the front door of the Harris household.

"It is! I swear!" I exclaim dropping my bag and taking off my shoes in the corner full of our stuff.

"Tab, you need to talk about these things!" Clementine responds. "You need outlets for all these bad thoughts you have. Plus your bad outlook."

"Clementine, I'm fine." I try to assure as I walk to the fridge and grab two of the Coca-Cola's that she and I shared.

"You're so quiet about all these things..." Clementine starts, taking one Coke and twisting it open. "It doesn't hurt to talk about these things, with me, with my Dad. He is your social worker. Look, it won't be that bad if you open up to Christopher."

Christopher is my therapist, state-paid for kids who are technically still in the foster care system. Me. He was a condescending, passive jerk who only pretended to get it.

"I'm not going to tell that jerk anything," I spit as I sip my coke. "Also I'm not writing a blog about my life either, I don't need to be anymore pretentious than I already am."

"No no, it's not like your tumblr." Clementine responds. "It's like your diary, but addressing the world. You don't even have to post it! Try it?"

I sigh and sip my coke. "Can we not talk about my mental health? Can we just go on our way, I gotta get to Jerry's soon..."

Clementine sighs. "Fine! But think about the side blog."

I look at Clem from over my coffee. She's looking at me with the same old boring eyes of worry. I had become so used to them. But I try to ease her worry with a sigh and a nod.

"Okay, I'll think about it."

She smiles, a genuine, worry-some smile as she sips her coke.

I look away for only a moment, to look around my current situation.

The apartment was small for Clementine, her father and I. But it was a perfect size for her and her father. I was the burden, I knew that the day Mr. Harris made me stay with them. It was pretty obvious. It's been 2 years and I still feel unwelcome and uncomfortable.

"When does Jerry want us to be there?" Clem asks finishing her coke in less than 4 sips.

"He says after therapy, he also wonders if we can help with the graveyard shift..." I explain, recalling his text message from this morning.

"You don't want to take Jacob on his offer?" Clementine asks. "He really wants to go see that movie..."

"Well I'm not one for movies, Clem, I need the cash. Plus Jerry's cool, he'll let you bang around on drums all you want!" I retort giving the coke bottle one last sip before putting it down.

"We go to Jerry's everyday." Clementine reminds me, with all of that attitude she has in her eyebrows. "C'mon Tabatha, you're going to the movie."

"No, I'm not. You don't have to stay with me, it can just be Jerry and I!" I tell her. "Go have fun."

"It's no fun without you!" Clementine groans. "Please come to the movie's! Please! We'll get milkshakes in Chinatown it'll be great!"

"Clem, no, I need the cash." I tell her. "Sorry." I grab another coke and walk towards the door, grabbing my bag and slipping on my shoes. "I don't want to be late."

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