It happened a few months before my tenth birthday. Mum and I were heartbroken and moved to London within a few weeks. I hadn't been back to Yorkshire since. My Grandparents had visited us a couple of times over the years, and they were always trying to get us to visit them at the farm. But from that day, mum and I had left horses behind, and we were both happier for it. There were too many memories; too many good memories that could never be repeated now my father was gone.

But, I'm back now and I'm already thinking that this was a huge mistake. I'm only a few weeks off my fifteenth birthday. Mum could have just left me on my own in London. I'd of coped.

'I was surprised when Alice, er, your mum, called.' Joe's voice made me jump, I hadn't even heard him walk in. 'Didn't think you wanted to come up here.'

I shrugged but realised the old man was expecting more than just that as an answer.

'Well, Jack wanted to take her away as a gift now they're engaged. I thought it would be nice for them to have some time alone for once.'

'Oh.' He said simply. 'Thought maybe you just missed your gramps and me. We miss you. It's not easy for us to get down to London these days. Getting old and all.' A pang of guilt ran through me.

'Of course I missed you.' I offered making the old man smile.


'You've never set the table before?' Maggie asked as she busied herself by the Arga. I was standing silently in the kitchen at the end of the long oak table, an array of cutlery in my hands, and no idea what to do with them.

'Ok, let me show you and then from tomorrow you'll know what to do.' She snatched up the place mats from the centre of the table and distributed them. The cutlery from my hands quickly followed and finally a selection of salt, pepper and a half empty jar of mustard were dropped into the middle.

'Your mum never had you setting the table at home?' Joe asked as he shuffled in and took the seat at the head of the table. I slid into the one on the right and pulled out my phone to give me something to do.

'Nah. We mostly eat in front of the TV so mum can catch up on EastEnders.' Joe tutted loudly but didn't comment. Conversation dropped for a few minutes, the only sounds coming from Maggie clattering the odd pan as she served up, and from me as my well manicured nails tapped against the screen of my phone.

'What are you doing Jen?' Joe finally broke the silence.


'Is that something you should be doing at the dinner table?' I shrugged unconcerned. I was just about to hit send on the message I'd been typing when the phone was suddenly removed from my hands.

'Hey!' I objected automatically.

'No phones at the table. You can have it back once we've eaten.'

'But mum never cared.'

'Well you're not at your mother's right now are you?'

'Don't remind me.' I said moodily.

My stomach growled as Maggie placed a bowl of steaming hot stew in front of each of us.

'So, when do you want to get down to the stables?' Joe asked between mouthfuls. 'There's been a few changes down there, since you were last here. Thought we could take a stroll down after tea?'

'No thanks.' I replied, eagerly tucking in to some delicious home cooking. Mum wasn't a great cook. We survived mainly off ready meals and dull pasta dishes. But I remembered Maggie's fondness for all things foodie as I swallowed another mouthful - barely taking the time to chew.

'Tomorrow then?'

'No, I'm meeting some friends I used to go to school with.'

'Oh. Well I'd still like to be the one to take you around.'

'The stables?'


'I'm not going to the stables.'

The silence that fell was only broken by me slurping childishly at the gravy on my spoon.

'I'm sorry?' Maggie asked eventually.

'I'm not going to the stables. Period.' I announced firmly.

I didn't need to look up to know the old folks were exchanging confused glances. As silence took hold again I dropped my spoon down to clarify a few things.

'Look, I know you probably thought I'd come back up here and it would be like I never left but it's not ok. Horses aren't part of my life now. And they're never going to be. The only reason I came is because mum's away.'

I probably sounded like a complete spoiled brat but they needed to know from the beginning that I was not here so they could get me back in the saddle.

Maybe once I'd dreamed of being just like my dad. Of following in his footsteps. But that dream died when he did.

Born In The Saddle - Quicksilver Stud - Book 1 (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now