"Liam?" I cried, scrambling out of the room as if I actually thought he'd be there waiting for me. 

"Liam?!" I screamed, but I knew I was too late; Liam had been taken and was probably....

"NO!" I shrieked as I paced the floors through tears trying to decide what I was supposed to do. I chewed on my lip as I shakily grabbed the phone and called Liam's phone, hoping by some miraculous chance he'd answer and I'd know he was alive and safe. 

"Liam...if...if y-you get th-this..or...or any-anyo-anyone does...ple-please ca-call me back! It's an em-emergen-emergency!" I blubbered into the phone before I saw papers on the floor by the chair I'd been sitting on. I stumbled over and picked up the papers and saw pictures of Niall and I saw Liam's hand writing even more poorly written than it usually was. 

I'll be gone by the time you wake up, but you need to go to the station and find Niall. He's your only hope. ~Li

I shakily dropped the letter and quickly put myself together to go down to the station because Liam was right...Niall was our only hope. 

****Niall's POV**** 

I ran my fingers through my hair as I stared up at the mold growing on the ceiling for what seemed like years. I didn't even know how long I'd been in the prison, but I was on the verge of going insane. I thought about Liam most times and it only made me go more insane honestly. I just wanted to feel his chest and to really feel his lips against mine. 

"God damn," I moaned as I rolled over on my "bed" and drew figure eights onto the wall with my finger. 

"Horan," a deep voice bellowed into the room and I rolled off the "bed" and stumbled over to the huge metal door where the window opened slightly so I could see the cops eyes and nothing else. 

"You have a visitor," he said and I quickly grabbed at the phone and pressed it to my ear as someone else grabbed the phone. The only person I could imagine it being was Liam, but I knew it wouldn't possibly be him so who would it be? 

"I'll be  down the hall," I heard the cop say as he slammed the window shut and I heard soft breathing. 

"Niall," a woman's voice said shakily and I immediately recognized it to be Kate. I frowned and scratched my head. 

"Kate?" I asked in a confused tone and I heard Kate sigh while she also sniffed a little bit; almost like she had been crying for some reason. 

"Just know I wouldn't be here if it wasn't absolutely necessary!" she exclaimed and I frowned; what was that supposed to mean? 

"What's going on Kate? Is Liam alright?" I asked and I heard her sniffing more now. 

"Where'd they take him?! Where is he? I know you wanted to hurt us, but I need you to tell me where he is please...I know you hate us, but Liam doesn't deserve this okay? Please," Kate sobbed into the phone and my heart sank; Zayn had found Liam and had him held hostage...or worse. 

"What?! They took Liam! No!" I screamed and I heard Kate continuing to cry. 

"Why do you care?! You were going to steal from him and kill us!" Kate screamed and I squished my eyes tightly as I shook my head and I bit my lip. 

"No! No! I love Liam! I would never hurt him or his friends! Look I'm innocent Kate!" I shouted and I heard her gasp. 

"Wha-," she started, but I had to tell her the truth before we ran out of time. 

"Zayn, Louis, Harry, and I had gone done to that pizza parlor to rob that guy and just take some of his money. We didn't expect it to backfire on us though. I was outside keeping watch and I heard a gun shot go off. Harry quickly came out and got me and took me inside. He told me they'd killed the man to get his money and that the cops were on the way. I was going to argue, but Zayn told me that if I didn't take the blame for the murder he'd kill me right then and there and I didn't have time to really decide, so I took the blame. Zayn broke me out of prison a couple months ago and we started talking to Liam so we could steal from him to get enough money to fly out of the country so we could start fresh with our criminal record somewhere else. My intentions were to steal from you and Liam when I met you guys, but once Liam started to care for me and show me what a real friend was like, I changed my ways and decided I wanted to stay with Liam. Liam called the cops on me before I had the time to explain and then I realized I was absolutely head over heels in love with him!"  I cried, hoping Kate had caught everything I'd told her. 

"What...why...how...what do I do?" Kate tried to form a question and I quickly rummaged through my brain for anything that could help. 

"You have to find him!" 

"I can't go by myself! I need you!" Kate cried as I slammed my fist against the metal door. 

"Well that's not really going to work is it?!" I screamed and she burst back into more tears while I sighed. 

"Go to the restuarant and see if by some fucking chance they have surveillance," I whispered, knowing it was the only option we had and that there was a very slim chance any surveillance existed. Kate sniffed some more and I heard her hiccuping. 

"Times up," the cop spoke and I heard the phone click down. I fell to my knees and rested my head against the cool door. Liam was probably dead...and it was all my fault. 

The Runaway ***NIAM AU***Where stories live. Discover now