Chapter 14: Sixteen years-old

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"And he's super adorbs, gurl! I mean, for a fox he's kind of reliable~," Becky mused over the phone, sighing in content.

Darcy rolled her eyes as she held back a scoff, glancing ever at her desk as she chewed on her lip, letting Becky gush over her new boyfriend. This was always what happened when Becky got involved with someone new; she called Darcy and told her about him than called her after a breakup. That's the only two reasons she ever calls Darcy for now.

"Mmhm," Darcy said, taking a sip of her water.

"I'm sorry. Am I boring you?" Becky asked, sighing.

"No, Beck," she said, staring at a picture of their bandmates. "Just tired is all. Football has been tough this season."

"I'm sorry for missing the game last night, It's just that I forgot and Timmy--"

"Asked you out for dinner and a movie, I know. It's fine, Becky, I promise it is," she lied, smiling sadly as she rested her chin on her knees. "Look, I'm really tired, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Alright, Darcy. Sleep well. I'll text you later," Becky said cheerfully before hanging up.

Darcy sighed as she placed her phone on her nightstand and hugged her knees tightly.

"Everything alright, love?"

Darcy looked up at Niall and shook her head. "Becky," was all she said.

"Still just calling you about boys?"


He sighed and sat beside her, letting her lean on him a bit. "You miss your friend, I know. And, I know, you hate the fact that you haven't spent time with her much either. Maybe it's just a faze she's going through," he said, smiling. "You have to think positive."

"I know but every guy she's with hurts her end I hate it. She's always crying because of them yelling or cheating or something else. She just keeps going after them though, hybrid or not. I just worry about her. I don't want to see her hurt anymore. It hurts me," she said, hugging her knees tighter.

Niall stared at her, a smile playing on his lips. "I know, Darc,: he mumbled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and kissing her forehead. "I know."

She sighed before a yawn escaped her lips, her ears sagging a bit. "I should sleep, the game is tomorrow."

"Alright. Sleep good," he said, standing up and tucking her in.

"Thanks...for listening, papa," she mumbled as she fell asleep.

He smiled and kissed her forehead softly before quietly leaving her room.

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