Chapter 1: Three Years-Old

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It's been a month since Darcy was brought into the family and she was starting to warm up to the lads. Since they had a tour to do, they decided that she would go along with them. She was slowly starting to make some sounds and even cry to warn the guys when she was hungry, tired, needed a change, or wanted attention. And since they couldn't put her in a crib on the tour bus, considering it went over a lot of bumps, each day they would take turns holding her as she slept during naptime and night time.

They were all becoming attached to her although, there was someone who was more attached to her than the others; Harry. It soon became clear that she was also attached to the curly haired boy.

She was always wanting to be near him and always played with his curls. The others thought it was so adorable, even more so when she was sitting on his shoulders.

The only thing they would have to get used to was changing her on a moving bus. She was real fidgety at first and her tail was really sensitive. It took them about two weeks to get used to changing her and get her to stop fidgeting.

"Come on, Darc," Harry said, smiling at the kitten hybrid in his lap.

She kept opening and closing her mouth, a small pout forming on her lips as her ears sagged a bit. He chuckled softly and kissed her forehead, rubbing her head gently. "I guess you'll start talking when you're ready."

She giggled and fell backwards, laying on her back as she looked up at him.

Niall laughed and smiled. "She's so cute," he cooed, rubbing her head.

Darcys' ear twitched and her tail slowly began to sway. Looking around the bus, she sucked on her thumb and purred softly.

"She looks like Harry in a way, don't you think?" Louis asked, leaning over the back of the couch to look at Darcy.

"How so?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked up at the older boy.

"Her green eyes and the little curls beginning to form," Liam pointed out, typing on his phone.

Darcy giggled as she watched her tail sway, trying to catch it as the others talked. After a while, she grew bored and looked up at Harry, making grabby hands towards him with a soft whine. When they didn't pay attention to her, she began to squirm and whine a bit louder.

Louis looked at her and smiled. "Looks like someone wants to play with daddy Haz~," he said, leaning down and helping her sit up.

She giggled and patted Harrys cheeks. "D-Daddy!" she cheered, giggling.

The lads stared at her as she started tracing the tattoo that was on his right bicep. (AN: I don't remember what tattoo he got when! *^* Sorry!) "Darcy?" Harry asked as she looked at him. "What did you say?"

"Daddy!" she repeated, smiling.

He smiled and lifted her in the air, making her giggle. "That's my kitten!" he cooed, quickly holding her to his chest.

Liam smiled as Harry kissed Darcys' face all over, not messing a spot as he pampered his kitten.

"He really cares about her," Zayn whispered, smiling.

Darcy squeaked as the bus hit a bump and quickly hid her face in the crook of Harrys' neck, shaking a bit as her ears pressed against her head.

"He was the one that wanted to adopt her, to keep her from growing up a pet or slave for others," Liam whispered, leaning over to grab Darcys stuffed fox before holding it out towards Harry with a smile on his face. "Here, Haz, the roads are going to get a little bumpy for a while. This should keep her calm in the mean time."

Said boy nodded and took it, rubbing the young kittens back as she took the fox from him. He kissed her forehead as she hugged it close. He chuckled quietly before looking up, noticing the others smiling at him. "What?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You're playing the part of her dad like your life depended on it," Niall said, grinning.

Darcy looked at Niall and patted his cheek soft, giggling when he playfully tried to bite her finger. She clapped only for her to cover her mouth as a softly yawn escaped her, small hands rubbing her eyes gently.

"Someone's ready for a nap," Louis said, gently taking her from Harry and walking around the couch. Sitting down beside Harry, he began to massage one of Darcys ears and watched as she leaned into it, purrs vibrating against his hand when she leaned into it.

A song came on the radio, causing her to clap and giggling softly. The lads smiled while Liam turned the volume up a bit more. Louis sat on the couch between Harry and Niall as he continued to massage Darcys ears.

And I've just let these little things
Slip out of my mouth
'Cause it's you, oh it's you
It's you
They add up to
And I'm in love with you
And all these little things

I won't let these things
Slip out of my mouth
But if it's true
It's you, it's you
They add up to
I'm in love with you
And all your little things

Darcy smiled as the song ended and clapped happily. "Looks like we have our own little fan~," Louis cooed, smiling at the young girl.

In a few minutes, Darcy had fallen asleep with her dummy resting on her lips, gently sucking on it every few seconds. She held onto Louis' index finger tightly with her right chubby small, her fox resting under her left arm. Seeing this caused Louis to smile and rub the back of her hand with his thumb.

Harry smiled also and looked at the lads. "I see her as my own daughter. I don't care if she's a hybrid, she's still human and deserves to be treated like one," he said, sighing and looking down at Darcy as she slept. "I just care about her...with all my heart."

An hour later

The lads had fallen asleep talking but they were soon awoken by crying and screaming. Harry was the first to wake up and pick Darcy up, holding her close to his chest as he rocked her. "Shh. Everything's okay, kitten."

She fisted his shirt and whimpered as she calmed down. He sighed and kissed her forehead, rubbing her back gently. "Was it another nightmare, sweetie?" he asked in a soft voice, watching as she rubbed her eyes and nodded slightly. "It's okay, love, daddy's got you. Why don't we get you changed and ready for tonight."

As she was laid on the changing table, she nodded gently and tilted her head to the right a bit. "Daddy," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes. She watched him closely as he undid her nappy and pulled it out from under her, her tail wrapped itself around her wrist.

Smiling down at her, he kissed her forehead gently than continued to clean her up. He applied a bit of baby powder to her to help prevent any chaffing from the nappy before grabbing a clean nappy to put on her. Her gently lifted her bum up and slid the nappy under her, chuckling as he felt her watching.

Once he got the clean nappy on, he looked at her and smiled, giving her nose a gently kiss. "There; all clean. Now, time to get you dressed," he whispered, picking her up and placing her on his hip.

She grabbed his curls gently and giggled, sucking on her dummy softly. He laughed softly and kissed her cheek with a grin on his lips.

He truly loved her, he saw her as his own flesh and blood. He didn't care how she looked, didn't care about the ears or tail. To him, they were something that made her adorable. He wanted her to think freely, teach her to stand up for herself, watch her grow up, and lots of other things. He knew that no matter what, nothing would cause him to think less of the young hybrid.

The next chapter will be when she is four and a half! I really hope you guys are liking this story!

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