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He made the wrong choice by taking a walk without telling anyone because now he was running from screaming girls. All he wanted was fresh air but he didn't expect that he'd get ambushed by fan girls not even five minutes later. He turned the corner quickly and entered the first shop he saw, slamming it shut and leaning against it trying to catch his breath. As he heard the screams start to fade, he sighed in relief while running a hand through his curls. "I will never get use to that," he mumbled, closing his eyes.

You might be wondering who's running from the girls, am I right? Well, it's none other than Harry Styles. Yes the Harry Styles from the famous British/Irish boy band; One Direction!

As he rested there, he heard a small squeak from somewhere causing him to open his eyes to see some kids in a playpen, watching him with curious eyes. He smiled gently and kneeled down to look at them, mumbling, "'Ello there, loves."

"Oh my," a voice said.

Harry looked towards the counter to see a woman in her thirties staring at him as a little girl rested on her hip. The little girl had her head on the women's shoulder and was sucking on a dummy, a smile forming on his lips. That's when he saw the fuzzy ears on the girls head and a matching tail swaying behind her.

The woman noticed him staring and smiled nervously. "C-Can I help you with something, sir?" she asked, setting the girl on the counter.

Harry looked at the other kids and ruffled one of their hairs before standing up and walking over to the counter. "I was running from fans so I stepped in here to hide. Sorry," he said, smiling softly.

"It's fine, dear. I was just surprised is all," the woman said, smiling and holding out her hand. "I'm Sydney, the owner of this Orphanage/Pet Shop. Though the pets are in the back while the kids are out during the day."

Harry gladly took her hand and shook it. "Harry Styles," he said, smiling as he let go of Sydney's hand to look at the little girl, who was watching her tail sway. "Who's this?"

Sydney sighed and shook her head. "She doesn't have a name. She was dropped off almost three years ago after her mother gave birth to her. The owner didn't want to have to feed or take care of a baby so she dropped her off with me," she said, scratching behind the girls' ear. "And no one wants a baby hybrid for anything."

Harry frowned then took out his keys and jingled them slightly. The hybrids' ears twitched and she turned her head to look at the keys with bright eyes. He smiled as she made grabby hands for the keys. "You want to play with them, sweetie?" he mumbled, jingling the keys again.

She nodded and her tail swayed slightly, one ear perked up.

His phone rang which scared the girl, quickly turning his phone on vibrate, he placed it on the counter, his attention back on the child in front of him. "Sorry for the scare, sweetheart," he said, jingling the keys again.

Sydney smiled and giggled. "You're good with kids," she said, watching the girl try to grab the phone on the counter. "You might want to grab that before she does. She likes to call people sometimes."

Harry smiled and grabbed his phone before an idea came to mind. He unlocked his phone and opened the camera, taking a quick picture of her before sending it to Liam.

Not even a few minutes later, he got a call from Liam. He hit answer and put it to his ear, "'Ello?"

"Why did you send me a picture of a baby hybrid?"

"Well," Harry started, jingling the keys in front of the hybrid. He smiled as she crawled across the counter to get to him. "I was wondering if we could get her."

He heard Liam sigh. "Harry, you know we can't. We'll be going on tour in a few da---"

"Please, Li~! I'll take care of her!" Harry pleaded.

There was silence for a while which made him nervous. He didn't like the way people treated hybrids and he didn't want to see this one grow up to be treated like that.

He looked up at Sydney who was smiling like no tomorrow.

"Are you at that Orphanage/Pet Shop place near our hotel?" he heard Liam ask.

"Yeah. Why?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

The door opened and he turned around to see the other standing there, smiling.

The baby blinked and grabbed at Harrys' keys again, sucking on her dummy. He looked back at her and smiled then put his phone away.

"Oh my god! She's so cute!" Louis said, walking over to the counter.

Liam walked over and looked at her, big green eyes looking back at him. "She is pretty cute," he said, rubbing her head.

"Can we please adopt her, Liam~? I don't want her to grow up only to be treated like trash," Harry said, scratching behind her ear.

She closed her eyes and purred, leaning into the touch.

Sydney smiled at the scene and let out a soft giggle. "She's warmed up to you already. She's mostly scared whenever someone comes in. It's the reason she hasn't talked yet," she said, sighing.

Niall frowned and stared at the girl. "Poor kid."

"Please Liam?" Louis and Harry whined.

Liam sighed and looked at Zayn, who was giving the other kids some attention. "What do you think, Zayn?"

Zayn looked at him and smiled. "I think Harry has a point. She doesn't deserve to be put through that hell," he said, standing up. "And we can just take her on tour with us so she can get use to us more."

Liam looked at the others than at Sydney and nodded. "We'll take her home," he said, looking at the little girl.

"You will?!" Sydney asked, smiling.

Liam nodded and the others cheered.

"Oh that's wonderful!" she cheered, smiling. "All you have to do is think of a name for and I'll go get her things." She walked to the back room happily, a slight bounce in her step, leaving them with the addition to the family.

"What should her name be?" Louis asked, smiling.

"Why don't we let Harry choose? It was his idea," Niall said, patting Harrys' back.

Harry stared at the hybrid who made grabby hands at him, a smile dancing on his lips. "Darcy," he said, gently picking the young girl up and resting her on his hip.

"What about a middle name?" Zayn asked, smiling at the hybrid.

"How about Darcy Rose?" Louis asked, smiling.

The others agreed and Sydney came out with a baby bag. "Did you name her?" she asked, putting the bag on the counter.

They nodded as she opened the bag and took out a stuffed fox. The sight of it made the girls tail sway and she tried to grab for it. Liam took the fox and gave it to her, smiling.

Sydney smiled and pushed the bag towards them. "Please take care of her. She's never made a sound and she's never smiled. It worries me sometimes," she said, looking at the kid. "Especially when she has nightmares."

"Don't worry. She's in safe hands now," Niall said, smiling.

"So what did you guys name her?"

The lads smiled at the now sleeping girl in Harrys' arms before saying, "Darcy."

I thought they should name her Darcy because Harry, if I remember correctly, wants to name his daughter Darcy! ^^ I have no life! Hope you enjoyed it! Ciao lovelies!

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