The Day

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Today's the day

My wedding day

MY wedding day

Can you believe it?

I can't I'm literally freaking out! I went to sleep at 7 well I went to bed at 7. Didn't go to sleep until 11!! I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep that's why I went to bed so early!

We have a house since last week. (In media). It's pretty big but that's okay. Lily has a bedroom all to herself and then me and Tyler do also (duh) and that leaves 4 bedrooms left. (Bedrooms in media)

About two days ago we just put the finishing touches on the house.

Tomorrow I will be an official married woman. Four years ago I never thought I would get married but here I am!!

My flower girl is Lily

All my sisters are my bridesmaids along with Tyler's and the bates girls and Sierra (I know that's like 30 bridesmaids.)

Tyler's best man is his best friend max.

Sierra planned our wedding too.

Tyler's groomsmen are my brothers, his brothers, and his best friends.

And so it begins. The wedding.

There's about 700 people here.

I hear the music and dad looks at me. It's time to go. I start to shake. It's okay Jana!

I walk down the isle and see Tyler. it's amazing.

When we join our hands. Jessa takes my bouquet.

We go through vows and then the minister says, "does anyone have any objections to why this couple should not continue?"

It's silent for a few seconds. Then out of the blue someone stands up and yells "OBJECTION YOUR HONOR"

Someone should tell him we aren't in court.

Everyone gasp.

What kind of person would ruin my wedding?

I look out to crowd and see him. It's Jamie.

If you don't Remeber he's my ex who dumped me because of lily!!

Woah he has some nerve.

Just when I was about to take theses shoes off and talk some sense in that brain (preferable not by words) the minister speaks up.

"And why would that be?" He ask

"Because I still love Jana!" He cries

Tyler gives me a look that says deal with him.

So I do.

"Dad. John David." I say kind of Loud.

They get what I'm saying and take him out side.

The minister says "anyone else?" With a laugh.

When dad gets back we continue.

"You may kiss the bride" the minister says. And so we do.


At the reception I ask dad if someone invited Jamie. He said no.

Wedding crashed!!!

We have steak and chicken and normal reception food then eat cake.

We then hop in A taxi that says "just married" like a thousand times and go to the airport.

Time for our honeymoon!

So what did you think?

Did you guess it was Jamie who was making an appearance? Comment!!!

Rylee aka supergirl

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