Hawaii pt.3

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They're is one week before I can take Lilly Grace back home with me! I know she will make it 10x harder for me to have a boyfriend, because I do have a baby but still, it's Gods will!

Picture of Lilly Grace in media

I go to the airport and buy two tickets for Arkansas. I told my parents what happened with Jamie and they said it was for the best, because if he was the one, he would have stuck by me no matter what.

I know what your probably thinking, why would my dad let me adopt a baby out of marriage? The answer is simple-
I put my name and my parents name on the paper that's only temporary. When I get married (if I do) I will after a month or so put me and my husbands name on the form. It's not my baby but I am just taking her home until I get married. I know a big confusing mess but it's what must be done.

One week later

I get Lilly and say goodbye to the village. When I get to the airport I go and get on the plane. We are just about to take off when I am told their is heavy rain coming our way and the flight is delayed till further notice.

Two hours later

I'm in the lobby and am told there is a two hour delay again

Two hours later

I go back to the village until tomorrow
It's the next day and I finally get to go on the plane and head home.

On the way I took like 200 selfies with everyone in the plane and had to explain Lilly to even more people.

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