the meal

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Janas pov- Mom, Mom, there here!!!!! I yell. I try not to show to much excitement...did it work? Yeah not even close.

Okay so maybe I kinda like him...just a little/lot. I don't know! I'm so confused. I don't know what love Is! I've never experienced it before.

I'm the oldest girl, but so many of my siblings are married and have children. That's really all I want. To marry my best friend, have several kids, a live happily ever after. But most people aren't still single at 26. I mean I don't even know how old Jamie is!

If he's still lives with his mom and dad he can't be older then 20, people don't do that anymore.. except me.

"Jana can you get the door? I have to get the rolls out of the oven ,and dad has to get the kids a table!" She yells back from downstairs.

"Yes ma'am!" I say back. I really actually wanted to...

As I walk to the door I get nervous. Get it together Jana you met him twice!!! I think to myself, and I open the door...

"HEY JANA!!!" Jamie and his parents say.

"Well hey Jamie, Mr and Mrs. Maxwell."

We sit down for supper and just talk. Josie, Jordan just Jennifer Johanna Jackson and Justin along with Sarah and Katie (Jamie's sisters) and Ben (his brother).

Things I found out

·Hes single
·He loves kids
·Hes 27
·He has almost the same rules as we do
·My parents love him
·We have 23 things in common...and counting
·He really wants A family
·His parents love me

Yes, I did make a list, yes I want to court him, yes I really, really, really, like him, yes i am obsessed. Deal with it because i am HAPPPYYYYY.



Note: if you find any grammar mistakes, punctuation mistakes, misspelled words, etc please tell me! I want to make this story as good as i can!

Thank you!


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