How refreshingly sexist of them, no? Unfortunately, this was also around the time that arrangements to marry me off to the Prince of Death were being made. I know, because manipulating minds was the first skill I mastered at the hands of Morgana.

My actions that day were justified, until that point. As I lay beneath the soothing canopy, breathing in the scents of plants and animals alike, I became aware of a rhythmic drumming in the earth below me. It was not coming from the palace, so I stayed where I was, hoping that I would be left alone.

Little did I know the territorial nature of the centaur. I had entered their dominion without leave, and they were coming to investigate the intrusion. In my arrogance, it seems, I would learn the first of many valuable lessons.

When I opened my eyes to find a giant set of horse legs almost on me, I was extremely...surprised to say the least. I'd never encountered a centaur before, just the usual mermaids, dragons and other such banal monsters. Scrambling quickly to my feet, I wiped down my clothing as best I could and met the gaze of the one who had stood over me.

Had he been a normal Elemental, he would have seemed too plain, with his long red hair and dark green eyes. Many of the others had gone out of their way to make their lineage obvious. Later on, I learnt that most centaurs felt their status as Elementals was obvious enough, being four-legged and all.

At the time, all I cared about was getting away, so when he turned from me, I took to my heels and sprinted as fast as I could. This was an extremely bad idea, in hindsight. Centaurs have amazing eyesight, even better than a dragon, which says a lot.

Now, as they are hunters, skilled in both archery and sword fighting, I had no chance whatsoever. When I exited the trees, I thought myself far enough away from them to feel safe. That is, until the arrow went through my leg, causing me to crash to my knees, in complete agony. The centaurs galloped up to me, completely unfazed at my groans of pain.

While I lay on the grass, clutching my leg, they stood, discussing whether to take me before Marcus or to their chief. While they were occupied, I pulled the arrow out and froze the wound with moveable ice to dull the pain, then sat up. They paid no heed to me as the discussion became louder, until, that is, I got up and walked over to them.

"Which of you shot me?" I said, crossing my arms while making sure to keep most of my weight off of it. In my trademark anger, I was first going to lecture my assailants instead of getting myself to a healer. Dumbstruck, they looked down at me, amazed I could even speak. I noticed then that only one had a bow, and the arrows were strapped across his decidedly muscular shoulders.

The sunlight, unfortunately, glinted off the small ringlet around my head that I only consented to so as not to be weighed down by a ridiculous tiara every day. In their shock, they stood completely still, and I noticed for the first time that the other centaur was just as good-looking as the red-haired one. Though his eyes were plain brown, and his hair a vibrant yellow, he could have been the other's twin.

Hastily, they began to apologise for shooting me while suggesting that they carry me back to the palace. Unfortunately, I chose that moment to feel faint, and the red-haired centaur decided to catch me. Through my delirium, they rode to the palace gates, with me in his arms, pathetically passing through unconsciousness. They stopped before long, the movement forcing me back into my senses.

Much to my dismay, Marcus greeted us at the gates, completely furious. Taking me from the centaur, he strode angrily toward the healer's rooms with the centaurs in tow, their heads hanging in shame. When I was safely ensconced on a bed, the healer began to work on my leg, while Marcus raged at me. The fortunate centaurs were stuck outside until he decided to deal with them.

Cursed: Immortalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें