I took a deep breath and went towards the stairs to go up to my room hoping this could end there but my father followed me. I really didn't want to fight anymore.

"Don't turn your back on me, Camila." he growled when he passed through the door.

"Why are you acting like this?" I stared at him, the rage getting worse.

My mother certainly stayed downstairs to avoid Sofi to witness this again.

"Why are you acting like this?" he retorted. "You're not acting as my daughter and I know who's fault is."

"How I should act, father?" I laughed ironically. "I'm living my life and there's nothing wrong with that!"

"Getting drunk? Staying the night away from home and worring us to death? And not giving attention to your sister. That's how you're living your damn life?" I swear he was getting red with anger, but I guess I was worse.

My father mad was really scary and I would avoid prolong it if it were in another time but now I felt I could stand up for myself.

"I'm always here for her, dad." he could not involve Sofi on this. She was always with me that it was even difficult to breathe, I love spending time with her.

"But when that girl calls you don't think twice about abandoning her."

"What do you want from me?!" I practically screamed.

"To stop acting like an irresponsible! This girl is ruining you and I know the things she made you do when I wasn't here. This has to stop!"

He knows? My mom probably told him the times that Lauren and I did some things I don't really regret, but I don't blame her, she might be worried because I haven't gone home yet and he pressured her.

But he was still without saying Lauren's name and it made me even more angry. She was a person, dammit. My person, she was mine.

"Her fucking name is Lauren!" I yelled frustrated, from the bottom of my heart. With all the anger and rush I was feeling. "And she's my girlfriend!"

The words came out of my mouth with ease and it felt good to say, but my father stared at me in disbelief, surprised and his eyes burned into hatred and I held my breath for a few seconds, the reality hit me on the head.

What I just fucking did?

"What did you say?" his voice came out gently, but I knew there was nothing soft about him now. He heard me, but I feared what would happen if I said anything now.

I was crying without realizing it, my legs weakened when he took a step toward me, clenched fists. I remember what my mom said about he wouldn't accept this, he imagined myself in a completely different life.

I couldn't move and he was getting closer and closer, all I did was cry. When he lifted his hand opened to me, I couldn't believe he would actually hit me. I didn't want to believe it.

"ALEJANDRO!" my mother screamed, he stopped but didn't stop looking at me. His eyes piecing on mine.

"Don't you dare." she said through gritted teeth.

"Do you have any idea of what she was doing behind our backs?" he pointed at me as I looked at my mother who approached us.

His voice was frighteningly calm again.

"I know." my mother put herself between us. I shook my head worried.

She shouldn't say that, would only make things worse. I was afraid of what he might do.

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